Jason's Birthday -Eleventh Chapter-

Depuis le début

Then, I woke up...

Note: When I woke up, I had a pretty bad headache, some bruise at some places of my body (That weren't there before) and I couldn't walk properly on my left leg.

You stretched your muscles, dropping your small notebook, and rubbing your tired, puffy eyes from crying, trying to think about. Today is Jason's birthday!

This made appear a small smile in your face, giving you enough motivation to get up on your feet. You went to the window of your room, it was already shining bright, this morning.

It wasn't fitting with your mood, but, at least, everything was beautiful for Jason, you two certainly could do some nice activities, out there.

As soon as you got out of your room, dressed in some light clothes, trying to resist the heat of the summer, you were tackled down by a big hug.

You gasped, stumbling on your feet, backward, but maintain your balance, looking down at the person who hugged you in hurry.

Jason, who was hiding his head deep in your chest, mumbled, "Hello miss (Y/N)!"

You stared at him, and smirked, "Hello Jason, and... Happy Birthday!!"

He muttered, still his head snuggled in your chest, "Hello miss (Y/N).." Then, he released you, to start a little dance, humming happily in his singsong voice, "Yay! Yay! Yay! It's my birthday today!"

You burst out laughing, and quickly joined his dance, "Yup! And, guess what? We are gonna spend a whole day together!"

His eyes widened, as he gasped, and started shouting, "Woop! That is gonna be amazing, miss (Y/N)!"

/| "I am fine" |\

Since the warm and bright Summer season will start in some days, you decided to give the kids a break, no school until September. They were all happy, some even seemed to be pretty relieved. (cough the twins and Michael a cough...)

But, now, anyways, it was time for the dinner for you and your small group. Weirdly, there wasn't a lot of kids or staff today. Maybe they took days off, or they're doing activities outside... Yeah, should do this with the kids...

Yeah, that's a good idea! You looked at your plate, where was placed some potatoes, rice, bread and other vegetables. Whether you liked that or not, you felt your stomach turn, you didn't feel like eating. You frowned, it's not normal for someone to have loss of appetite, it can even signal some sort of illness.

You shuddered, the last thing you'd want his to feel sick, especially when your suppose to celebrate Jason's birthday!

What the hell is happening to you, (Y/N)? Eh?

Since a few days, you began being anxious, scared like a little girl, you'll start panicking at any strange or suspicious shadows that'll reveal to be in fact only a coat hanger.

After that, it was depression, numbness, tiredness. I'm sure that the kids noticed it too! And, they are worried about you! You didn't want to get up this morning, you wanted to fell asleep, dreams nothing but darkness, and then, when you'll wake up, it'll be an all-new world, where all your problems will magically disappear!

But, now, we're sick? Eh? Are you that weak? Are you actually that pathetic?

-"Who do you think you are?" you muttered, tried to defend yourself from your own insults.

Odd Dreams (Child Slashers x Reader) (Abandoned)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant