News Flash: TodoDeku Switch!

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(Todoroki's POV)
It was a wonderful day, sunlight filling up the room, and the chilly winter breeze that makes your skin tingle as it hits you. Todoroki was up early, it was only a Sunday, meaning it was a rest day for most of everyone in the Heights Alliance Dormitory. He went to the kitchen counter to brew himself some nice hot coffee, he poured the contents over the brewer and prepared his mug.

As he took a sip, warmth spread throughout his body, when suddenly the doors opened and he saw Midoriya Izuku get inside. He wore a simple green shirt and some gray jogger pants along with mufflers, mittens, and a bonnet that kept his unkempt hair inside. The temperature in the room dropped and Midoriya was shivering himself, not even wearing a jacket.

"Good morning Todoroki" the green-haired boy greeted him, despite he himself shivering with the same usual cheer and warmth that rivaled his cup of coffee.

"'Sup" he greeted back as he took in the shivering Midoriya, he then took a mug for his shivering friend and offered him a cup of coffee.

The green-haired boy took the mug of coffee with a smile "Ah thank you Todoroki, it was very cold outside."

Todoroki raised an eyebrow at this comment, he found the air chilly but not cold, he guessed that his fire quirk made him cold-resistant. "Why were you outside without a jacket anyway?"

Midoriya only fiddled his fingers, "Ah... it's just that on my way back from my morning jog I saw a shivering beggar outside the school. I couldn't leave him out in the cold and so I gave him my jacket, he seemed adamant about me helping him out but in the end, I guided him to the nearest police station so he can get help there." Todoroki only nodded, as expected from one of the kindest people in the class, he thought to himself.

For a while they both stayed silent, they had relocated themselves to the living room and continued drinking their cup of coffee. Midoriya was already on his third, just coming to show on how cold he was.

Time passed by quickly and some of their classmates began starting their own day, the first ones down were Asui and Uraraka. "Good morning Asui, good morning Uraraka" Deku greeted them both.

"Hello, Deku and Todoroki!" The bubbly brunette greeted back with the same amount of cheer.

"Morning Todoroki and Midoriya, also you should call me Tsu." The frog girl announced. I only nodded at their greets and Midoriya got flustered being corrected again by Asui.

After getting their bowl of cereals, both Asui and Uraraka went to the living room and turned on the TV, after that more and more of their classmates had come down filling the room with chatter and morning greetings.

"Everyone! Look at this!" Ashido shouted out loud in shock and pointed towards the news, garnering everyone's attention, she seemed to be referring to the current morning news.

"Good morning, we come with a public announcement." A government official comes on screen, "We would like to warn everyone about a certain group that is on the loose."

Everyone had a collective gasp, some muttering and wondering what sort of group these were.

"They all possess one kind of quirk, a body switch quirk. Where one switches bodies with another person. At this moment it isn't confirmed what conditions are required so we advise everyone to be careful when an unknown person comes into contact with you. A body switch quirk may not sound villainous but it is still disrupting to modern-day society, so we must still be careful." The camera pans away from the official and back to the news anchor.

"This ends our public advisory, now for the weather, it will surely be a nice sunny yet chilly day for us..." the news fades into the background as everyone starts chattering even louder than before.

"Woah a body switch quirk? That sounds so cool." Kaminari commented, "Yeah! Yeah! Imagine being able to inhabit another person's body and vice versa!" Ashido added.

"Fucking dumbasses!" Bakugo shouted at them both, "Didn't you think that they'd put a public advisory if it was so 'cool'" he rolled his eyes and everyone got quiet, Bakugo walked out to go back upstairs.

Despite his scathing remarks, Todoroki agreed with the explosive blond, which he kept to himself, it would be a serious matter if they actually put out a public advisory. It is also a serious matter that he agreed with Bakugo about something.

"Hmmm... so if the conditions were unknown what would be the extent of a body switch quirk. Is there a time limit? Does that mean that they switch quirks too? That doesn't seem possible because quirks are similar to physical developments in the body, like muscles and such..." A certain green-haired boy was muttering very loud, his classmates were starting to get eerie and Todoroki, as the nearest person to Midoriya, he tapped his shoulders and the muttering boy got jolted back to reality.

"Ah! Sorry Todoroki, sorry everyone. I got into muttering again..." he sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment.

"Don't worry Mido, it's kinda cute when you do that hehe." Ashido teased and laughed with everyone joining in.

Todoroki only nodded to this comment in agreement without giving much thought while everyone else snickered at the joke. Midoriya flushed into a brighter shade of red and everyone bursting to louder laughter.

The day passed by quickly, some were still talking about the public advisory this morning and the body switch quirk, while some were still teasing Midoriya of being 'cute'. By dinner everyone was minding their own business, Todoroki was doing the same and eating his cold soba by the kitchen counter.

He was then joined by a green-haired boy, "Can I join you?" Midoriya asked as he set down his plate.

Todoroki didn't mind but he saw the contents of Midoriya's dinner a raised an eyebrow, an extravagant pork cutlet bowl. "Midoriya, is that really an advisable dinner?"

The green-haired boy sighed, he was clearly stressed out and he looked at Todoroki with his emerald eyes pleading him. How could he say no to that, he sighed and gave in.

"I'll just have to lighten up your meal." He got another bowl for himself and took a portion of Midoriya's meal.

"You won't be able to sleep properly if you eat something so heavy for dinner." Midoriya gave fuzzy smile, "Todoroki is so kind." Todoroki only gave a slight smirk back on this comment and the two continued eating their dinner.

After dinner, they headed towards their rooms, as the elevator got on the second floor and opened Midoriya stepped out.

"Goodnight Todoroki" Midoriya waved him goodbye as the elevator closed and went up the fourth floor. Todoroki went back into his room, he washed up and did his nightly routine then quickly went to bed...

The next morning Todoroki woke up feeling a bit disoriented, his internal body clock told him it was just around half past 6 am. His back felt comfortable on a soft bed, which didn't make sense because he slept on a sleeping mat, he rubbed his eyes to see more clearly.

As he opened his eyes, he was bombarded with the colors of red, blue, and yellow that surrounded him. He was surrounded by posters of All Might on the walls and ceiling, multiple All Might action figures that were lined up on the shelves, even the bed that wasn't his was filled with All Might... he immediately recognized this room and jolted up awake.

He couldn't believe what was happening and had to go to the bathroom and look at himself in the mirror. He was shorter, he had green unkempt hair, freckles, and emerald eyes... He was Izuku Midoriya.
1329 words

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