Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My fingers soar across the keyboard as I search countless databases for homicide files that might have a link to the League of Assassins. Interpol, FBI, CIA, even A.R.G.U.S.'s files are all being loaded into my system. I hack into the systems then my program screenshots and sorts all the files into different categories of how well each case fits the profile. From there, I can look at the more likely homicides and piece together a timeline, Ra's al Ghul's plan, and motive.

There have been at least twelve people that have been murdered in the last three weeks that match the criteria: no weapon found, no prints, killed with a sharp bladed object... probably those freaky samurai swords I saw on Ra's back and on Talia's belt. Guns are too easy to track, even for the League of Assassins. Just look at Deadshot: same bullet, some crazy place the shot came from, but next to no evidence of where the shooter went... but everyone knows it's him. Except with the League, few people know it even exists.

Now I just have to find the link between these twelve and-

I'm silenced by a groan from the sparring ring. I chuckle as I hear the footsteps coming towards me. I see Dick's reflection in the computer screen. He is slowly making his way over to my desk, putting his hands along the railings as he moves. I bite my lip as I see him rubbing his head... guess I hit him a little too hard... but I'd never give him that satisfaction and besides, he let his guard down.

"Welcome back," I smirk.

"How long was I out?"

"About a half hour... you need to practice a little harder."

"I was being easy on you..."

I laugh, "Aww, too embarrassed to admit I beat you?"

"No! I just-"

"Got beaten by a girl in a wheelchair with two sticks."

"... that's one way to put it. Any luck tracking down Ra's?"

"I found twelve homicides so far that fit the League's profile."

"Find the assassins..."

"Find Ra's... at least I hope it'll be that simple. How's the search going for the remaining prisoners that escaped Blackgate?"

"We're rounding them up, little by little..."

"But let me guess, Bruce still doesn't believe Tim."

He is silent for a minute as he paces back and forth.

"Wow... and let me guess you don't either..."

"That is not what I said."

"You didn't have to."

"Look, we can't find a thing about this Bane guy you and Tim think is behind the explosion."

"I don't think, Dick. I know."

"See that's the thing, Barb, there is nothing to back it up!"

"Nothing concrete, but-"

"Bruce needs something more than a hunch to go on, Barb."

I scoff, "Let me guess... you do too."

I look away from him as he crouches down to my eye level, "Barbara... dammit Barb, look at me!"

I hesitate before looking over at his troubled eyes. He's torn between siding with me and the man that is practically his father.

"I'm doing everything I can to keep him safe. I got him to train Tim as the new Robin, and increase security measures around the cave. But that's all I can do before..."

His face freezes. He slipped up and said more than he intended to... but why? "Before what?"

"Before I move to Blüdhaven."


"That's what I was coming over to tell you. Then, I kinda got knocked out so-"


"I got a job there at the BPD..."

I close my eyes and try to breathe deeply. As much as I want him to stay here, it would be selfish knowing how bad things are in Blüdhaven... and that's by Gotham's standards. I can't do what my dad did to me and keep him from helping just because I don't want him to get hurt... or worse.

"You're not saying anything..."

I let out a laugh as I bite back tears as I look up at him with a sad smile, "Because I don't want to stop you from going if it's what you really want to do."

He smiles reassuringly, "It's only a half hour drive away..."


"Fine, thirty-three minutes away... obeying speed limits," He winks. "But don't worry, I will be around Gotham once the sun goes down."

"I'll be sure to lock the clocktower balcony." I smirk.

"I'll be sure to pick the lock." He grins back as a loud chirp on my computer snaps us out of our moment. Waller's face appears on the TV screen hovering over the monitors.

"What progress have you made on Ra's?" She grumbles.

"Geez, you don't take breaks do you, Agent Waller?"

"No, especially when they involve hunting down a psychotic mass murderer. I will ask again: where are you on the case?"

"There are several murders that look to be hits by the League-"

"How many?"

"At least twelve in the last month or so. None of them stand out as public personities. Two were doctors, a biologist... neuroscientist... wait a minute... they're all medically related."

"Do you think something could be wrong with Ra's?"

"I doubt it, he has his own ways of dealing with... injury..."

"Is there anything else?"

"Looking...." I run background checks on the twelve. "Whoa."

"Whoa what?"

"One woman was never identified. There is zero information on her; like she didn't even exist."

"No name?"

"No, the body was identified by the remains as a woman, but they were very careful not to leave anyway to figure out who she was. No teeth, burned remains... The marks on the ribs show that what really killed her was a single stab wound and not the fire."

I zoom in on the x-rays on file of the ribs. "Bingo!"

"Care to share, Oracle?"

"She was stabbed in the back."


"It's a statement. Plus the extra set of markings on the ribs indicate that the sword was turned. She knew her attacker, and her murderer killed her in a way that is inconsistent with the others."

"What are you saying?"

"This woman was once part of the League of Assassins, and if we can figure out why she was killed, we might uncover Ra's plan."

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