Chapter 25

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Dinah asks nervously from behind my chair.

I take a deep breath as I watch the Huntress stir in her sleep on the screen, "I hope so."

"All of this just for 'a hope so?'"

I don't even bother to look over my shoulder, "Remember, you are the one who wanted her on this team. Personality traits are the least predictable, especially since we chose not to see who she is. We don't know how she is going to react."

"Is that why Pieter is sitting on the couch in the other room, alone?"

I snap, "Just because he is blind does not mean he is incapable of defending himself."

"Right... uh sorry... I didn't mean to imply-"

"I know... I know... Let's just get this over with."

The computer monitor next to the one with the Huntress on it beeps. The screen lights up to show her vital signs. "What's that?"

"Pieter insisted that we monitor her with a modified wristband we hid under her gloves."

"And that beeping?"

"Her heart rate is rising. She's waking up." I turn Pieter's communication device on. "She's awake, be ready."

I see him nod as he sips a glass of water.

The Huntress stirs once more and turns over. She sits up quickly. Yep... She's awake. The Huntress's gaze slowly falls on the pile of clothes at the foot of the bed, and the earpiece I put on top of it. It will allow me to communicate with her. I see her pick up the note next to it... Hopefully it is self explanatory.

She looks at the earpiece again before slowly picking it up, "Who the hell is this?"

"Miss uh... Huntress? Is it?"

Dinah elbows my side; she must think that I forgot to disguise my voice. I wave her off as the Huntress's anger is disarmed slightly by my voice.


"How are you feeling? You lost a lot of blood."

She rolls up her suit to see the faint remnants of the stitches. "You did this?"

"Not me personally. We had a doctor come in."

Her fingers trace along the stitching, "How long have I been out?"

"Three weeks."


I laugh, "Just kidding. It has only been a day. Technology is amazing isn't it?"

"Screw you, whoever you are."

My joking tone goes away, "Hey, I saved your life."

"Maybe it didn't need to be saved." She hisses back.

I look at Dinah, "My colleague did say you had a death wish..."

"She did this..."

"It was more of a group effort: her, me, the doctor... but that isn't the point. Your recklessness is killing you, Huntress. We have given you another chance."

"So, you stitch me up, give me some clothes and expect me to be on my way?" The Huntress laughs, "Then you don't know me at all."

"Yes and no. We may not know your name, which we easily could have figured out by a facial recognition scan by the way, but we do know that you have a fierce anger eating you up because of some one or some thing in your past. You have very little skill when it comes to fighting. Training, yes, but skill comes with time; so you obviously have not been a vigilante for too long.

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