The Christian Guardians and the Christmas Play

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    "F-Feeling better, but still a little sick," Robyn replied. "I hope I can get better tomorrow. I miss hanging out with Junior and Laura."

    "I hope so to," Creech said, gently kissing Robyn on the forehead. "You guys always seem so happy whenever you're together. Now you get some more rest now, honey."

    Robyn smiled and closed her eyes. She was so thankful to have a new, loving family even though she wasn't related to anyone in the house.
    That afternoon, the bus pulled up next to the sidewalk, letting Junior and Laura out. Laura lived next door to the Christian Guardian house, so it was easy to get there and back without having any problems. On this day, the two chatted happily until they came to the door. Laura knocked, and was answered by Creech. "Hey, you two," she said. "Did you have a good day today?"

    "We sure did," Laura smiled as Junior came in.

    "That's good," Creech said. "Would you like to come in, Laura?"

    "I'd love to," Laura replied, "but not today. I gotta help my parents keep an eye on Lenny; he caught the stomach bug. And I also heard Robyn caught it as well, so I made her this 'Get Well' card during art class."

    Creech smiled as she took the card. "Thank you, Laura. I'm sure Robyn would be very appreciated."

    "You're welcome," Laura replied. "Now I gotta get home. My mother might be wondering where I am."

    "See ya tomorrow, Laura!" Junior called, waving goodbye.

    Laura waved as well as she left. Creech closed the door, sighing happily. Laura was a really good friend. "How's Robyn?" Junior asked as he hung up his coat.

    "Still sick," Creech replied.

    Junior understood. He'd been sick once, so he could relate to Robyn on that one.
    The next day, Robyn woke up feeling much better. Feeling cheerful, she bounced down the stairs to see Creech in the kitchen. "Hey Robyn," Creech called. "Feeling better?"

    "Yes I am," Robyn said, stretching. "You gonna talk to one of the teachers about your story today?"

    "I might," Creech said, shrugging as she set the table. "Rapunzel doesn't live far from us; just down the street. I'll go talk to her later today." Rapunzel got a job at the school as a music teacher weeks ago.

    "I'm sure she'll she'll agree," Robyn said happily as she went back up to call everyone else downstairs.
    After breakfast, Creech walked to Rapunzel's house while everyone else went to their jobs for the day. The wind wasn't blowing, so she was able to get there without any trouble. Rapunzel was happy to see her and invited her inside, where Creech told her the whole story. "Why, that's a great idea," she said when Creech finished. "That'd be the perfect story for our play this year."

    "Robyn thought so to when she first saw it," Creech said. "I bet she's gonna be really excited when she hears about this."

    Rapunzel chuckled. "Well you should show that story to the others," she advised. "I bet they'll have the same opinion."

    And she was right. At the park later that afternoon, Creech showed everyone the story, and they all agreed that it was a good idea to turn that story into a fantastic play that everyone would enjoy-even the Equestria Girls. Spike showed his opinion by running around the bench, jumping and barking happily. Everyone was very excited and agreed to meet together on Saturday to see if they could come up with any ideas. "This is gonna be the best play ever," Creech told herself as they all went home for the night.
    On Saturday, everyone was gathered in the living room all excited. On Friday when Rapunzel told the school staff about Creech's story, they thought it was a good idea as well. So everyone was now thinking of ideas that they could do. Sunset offered to help Creech with the directing. Twilight offered to help out with the sound since she was more of a tech person. Pinkie offered to help Bob, Larry, and Junior with the decorations while Applejack decided to help Tom, Butch, and Lightning move props around; Starlight and Rapunzel had already offered to help Trixie with making them. Rarity offered to help Pocahontas and the Arandelle sisters with the costumes; she was a talented seamstress and made a lot of fancy clothing in her spare time. Robyn decided to do scripting with Sheree's help. And they all offered to help with building a new theater; Flutershy and Rainbow Dash both had the idea of turning an old sugar mill that Matt booked for the play the previous day into a fancy, modern-day theater, and Twilight had already drawn the blueprints for it. So far, everything was coming along nicely.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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