× Epilogue ×

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"Could you grab the last box? The movers are here to get our things!"

"Of course, angel."

Mark walked towards the box and stopped. He stared at their empty rundown house. He and Donghyuck finally had enough money to move out and buy a new modern condominium for both of them to live.

He looked in the box and saw many photoframes of the both of them in their different scenarios. He smiled at their school graduation photo. He rummaged through the box and found their wedding photo. That was the best day of their lives.

Just then, he found something, two things in particular that made him excited.

"Mark! What are you doing? The movers are waiti-"

"Look! Hyuckie, I found this!"

Mark had something in his hands and lifted it up for Donghyuck to see.

Donghyuck saw it and smiled. He moved to sit beside Mark and leaned his head on Mark's shoulder.

"We've come a long way, huh?" Donghyuck said quietly.

Mark smiled and ruffled his lover's fluffy hair.

"I love you, hyuck. Always."

"Same goes for me, Lee Minhyung."

"Come on, enough of the sentimental shit. The movers are waiting."

Mark looked at his husband in adoration while watching him laugh beautifully. Music to his ears.

Mark put back the powerpuff girls pencil and the spongebob pen into the box, using one hand to carry the box and the other to hoist Donghyuck on his shoulder.

"Mark! Put me down!"

Mark laughed as his lover threw feeble punches on his back.

Oh how glad was he when he remebered that all this happened because Donghyuck gave him the attention that he realised he craved.

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