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Thanks to Rostary-chan who started to read and vote this story. And also for others, thanks for reading and voting too ^^ As for this story, did Syo call Ai by 'Ai'? I am not sure about that and I apologize if I got it wrong. Feel free to tell me what is the correct one, guys.


A tetchy dandelion head, a stuck-up Elsa wannabe, a poker-faced scientist, and an 'all-rainbow' senpai but most likely had a dark past...


Come to think of it, all QUARTET NIGHT members have the personality traits which make them need someone innocent and nice like Nanami/Lady.

Was what Masato and Ren had in their minds. Since the dramatic 'reunion' between Haruka and HAYATO, the scions were brooding over what HAYATO said about their seniors while eyeing dangerously at Ranmaru. The said dandelion head was sitting comfortably on the sofa at the center of the room while taking a nap.

The childhood friends were so rapt and curious about the grumpy guy that their body naturally moved closer to him.

Meanwhile, Ranmaru twitched his eyebrows as for some reason, he no longer could feel the serene vibe that enveloped his muscular body after being annoyed all day at Reiji's 'Ran-Ran' jokes.

Instead, he felt like he was watching a 5D horror movie with eyes closed.

What's with this feeling? Why do I feel like there are two sharks are going to attack me?

Ranmaru opened his eyes which quickly sized up as a pair of 'orange and blue sharks' were staring at him in the same manner with Ai.

"What the hell are you guys doing here!?" The rocker shouted furiously, almost flipped from the sofa. The two poker faces were so scary that he almost threw his black headphones to them.

"No need to be so surprised, Ran-chan. We are your roommates. Of course we are here," Ren said, casually. Masato and he were not even astounded when they found themselves standing next to each other, which seemed like they already mentally agreed to interrogate Ranmaru.

"You guys are standing like a pair of morons and you expect me not to be taken aback? What do you guys want from me!? It's better not to be something stupid or else, two people will be dead meat tonight!"

"Of course it's something smart. It's about our future," Ren said, followed by Masato's nods.

"Huh!? To me, once it came from you, it sounded stupider."

"Kurosaki-san, are you interested in Nanami?" Masato asked bluntly. This guy was even stranger and creepier. He always talked respectfully but there was something in his speech that made Ranmaru thought that the scion was mocking him. Unlike Ren who he could easily discern just why he disliked the guy's presence, Masato remained as a mystery. He was well-bred so Ranmaru would be perceived as crazy if he told the pianist off.

"What!? Where the hell did it come from!?" The rocker was even more frustrated when no matter how daunting he sounded, his juniors did not even flinch. Working with his teammates every single day was onerous enough so he did not need his or somebody's juniors to be tiring as well.

As if being forced to eat Natsuki's cookies by the guy yesterday was not a sufficient agony...

"Just like what we normally see in shoujo dramas, the pessimistic Ran-chan will see something pure and lovely in Lady and he will end up falling in love with her," Ren insisted on his conclusion which was profoundly influenced by HAYATO.

"I agree with you, Jinguuji."

Crap! How the hell did they know it!?

"You are a tsundere who always whines and swears but in fact, you're just a lonely soul who needs someone who can understand you, right?" Masato remarked as he possessed Ai's habit; staring at people's face up-close.

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