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Thank you for the votes and comments, guys! It really meant a lot to me ^^ 


A pair of red eyes drifted to every direction they could find. At the very back of the car but sitting in the center, Syo was leaning lazily against the seat. A pair of black earphones attached to his ears while his fedora closed half of his face. Next to him was Masato, also in his own world. Apparently, the scion decided that the sight of the dark cloud of Tokyo was much better than seeing a certain person.

Next to Otoya aka the owner of the red eyes was Ren. The long-haired man placed his hands against the seat to support his head. His cyan eyes signaled something to the redhead since a 'disturbing' circumstance was going off, just next to Otoya.

Conversely, Natsuki thought that it was better for him to chirp happily with 'Tokiya' about how pretty those random birds in the sky were. For a second, everybody was envious of the big guy's ability to stay sanguine in this kind of situation.

In this absurd situation.

"Woahhh, those birds again, Natsuki!" The 'Tokiya' or HAYATO exclaimed with his strong Kansai accent while pointing at the said birds like a pair of five-year-olds children. "Maybe they also wanted to celebrate your first day of working as an idol. Just look at the sky! It's beautiful!"

"I know, right? Waaahh, I never thought that HAYATO-kun is so chummy like this! I wish I can see this side of Tokiya-kun more," the big guy replied with the similar tone. It was surprising when no matter how ecstatic he was, Natsuki was still aware that he was in a car so there was no use to hold his fist up in the air. "But, you're right, HAYATO-kun. The sky is so beautiful!"

'Are you guys kidding me? The sky is dark,' was what Masato wanted to say right on the guys' faces enough from the way he scowled. He swore that the real Tokiya most probably had enough charm that could make even the dark sky mourned for him.

The sky was mourning since HAYATO would do his first job as the T of STARISH instead of Tokiya himself.

This morning, STARISH was scheduled to shoot CFs, followed by a couple of interviews. Yet, no matter how ecstatic they felt, they just could not express their excitement as it should be. They could not be so contented because they knew that Tokiya clearly did not share the same feeling.

Despite the tragedy in the bathroom, it did not stop a certain guy from smiling ear to ear. His frilly uniform was replaced with Tokiya's light blue shirt, black jacket, and black jeans, thanks to Otoya's guts to search for them in Tokiya's closet. His hair was adjusted to Tokiya-esque hairstyle, thanks to the redhead's persistence so that they could totally hide the real identity of the blue head.

"HAYA... HAYATO-s..."

"Just call me HAYATO, Otoya," despite the bright smile that was flashed directly at him, Otoya recoiled like he just saw a phantom. He moved closer to Ren, hugging the scion's muscular arm in order to seek for protection. "If you can call someone menacing like Tokiya as 'Tokiya', then I guess you don't have a problem to address me casually, right?"

"I think you're the one who is menacing here," Syo who surprisingly heard everything despite the loud song from his iPod suddenly remarked. He lifted his fedora back onto his head before pulling off his earphones. "Seriously, where the hell are you from? At least, despite how menacing Tokiya is, we know he really exists in this world. Unlike you."

"I don't know," HAYATO shrugged, nonchalantly. "Before I knew it, I was already in the bathroom and of course, I would look for Tokiya first but... just look at him! He's so dramatic! I couldn't explain anything and he..."

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