Chapter Twenty Three: Child of mine

Start from the beginning

But then again, Naruto would probably protect her as long as she was with child. An Uchiha-Uzumaki child, Maybe she could strike a deal with Konoha. Her freedom for the price of birthing this child. She honestly didn't care if she was a nukenin or went into hiding.

Better than being a prisoner, tortured or being used as a healing tool like she was in Kusa.

Also, Fuck Kusa. Those bastards killed her mother by biting her so much and overworking her Kekkei Genkai to the point she just died from exhaustion. As long as Konoha didn't know about that ability they probably would let her go. If they wanted to kill her well she could always offer her services as a scientist, and her two Kekkei Genkai in return for Asylum.

She was willing to do anything to survive.


When they finally arrived at Konoha, Karin could feel a sense of Deja Vu. She could remember her first time in the village. She was a fresh Genin and she was taking her first chunin exams. Not long after she fled Kusa and joined Orochimaru.

Four anbu dropped down and Karin was put down. She didn't even bother protesting as she held her hands out so they could tie her up.

"Make sure to be careful with her. She is a prisoner but she is also with child. I would prefer we do not cause a miscarriage." Naruto stated as she stood by the Red Haired woman.

Karin didn't miss the way the rest of the ninja stiffened at the mention of her pregnancy. The Anbu gave her a nod and began dragging her away.

She gave one last glance at the Shinobi. From the ones that fought Sasuke to the ones that Sakura-san had knocked out with a Paralytic poison.

"Come." The Anbu an with a boar mask tugged on her ropes and she obliged.


Naruto let out a sigh, She was in Mount Myoboku. "Mama,can we go home?" Aki asked as she laid on her lap while she ran her fingers through the small girls hair. "Soon, The village is not safe at the moment so you two have to stay here." She replied and the small girl wrinkled her nose and pouted. She looked over as she watched her brother play with a small toad and Kurama

"I miss Hina Kaa-san, Sakura-nee, and everyone else, Even Jiji-sage hasn't come to see us." Aki sniffled and Naruto stiffened slightly. "Don't worry Aki-chan, we will go back home soon. Come on i'll go leave you with Obaasan toad." Naruto sighed as she lifted her small daughter in her arms and turned to her son who was happily jumping with a toad. "Ryuu-chan~ let's go" She smiled.

The boy turned and gave his mother a smile. "Hai Mama!"


Naruto had returned home. Her apartment felt awfully silent. Tsunade had awakened from her coma not long after they returned. Karin had been interrogated, Mind walked and was currently locked away in a prison in the village.

According to the Yamanaka even if her allegiance was a bit questionable she seemed to be cooperating more than expected.

She told them all about the remaining Akatsuki that remained and their locations. Of course everything was verified through the mind walk, Because to a shinobi it is better to have no information than incorrect one. Incorrect information led to being led into traps, ambushes and death.

She stripped from her clothes after she closed her apartment door behind her. Letting out a sigh she couldn't help but think of what Tsunade had told her earlier.


"Naruto, I want you to talk to her. The shinobi council has decided that since the chance that the child is an Uchiha-Uzumaki she will have to carry it full term and give birth to the child. Her request for an abortion has been denied. And she will be executed if she has some 'Accidental Miscarriage'.... don't give me that look. " Tsunade snickered at the look of disbelief that crossed her face.

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