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He sat up. The strap holding his wings were tight against his body. he struggled for a second before loosening it. He sat up and looked around the dark empty room, nobody had gotten home yet. He slid his hand across his bed looking for his phone. He pressed the button and the screen lit up. He winced as the brightness was all the way up. He turned the brightness down and checked the time. It was late, "another nightshift" he said to himself, "that mean I can take a flight". He slowly unstrapped his wings and spread them slowly. He sighed with relief as his bones cracked slightly and they stretched as far as they could go, "finally some relief. These cramps are killing me." He exclaimed. He stepped into the ledge of the window and sighed before slipping and falling from the three story window. His wings caught the air, lifting him into the air. He flapped his wings, pushing high into the air. He let the wind carry him as he glided along the night sky. He slowed as he reached the top of a large building. He stepped down on the roof of the building and walked along it, his bare feet cold against the concrete.he sat down on the beach chair that was on top of a blanket. He exhaled deeply and relaxed.

He looked out over the vast city and watched everything he could see

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He looked out over the vast city and watched everything he could see. The cars moving along the roads, it was all so calming. The noise was so distant, almost like it was far away, like he was far away. He often thought about who he was, what he was. He didn't remember much from his past only the bad parts. It was always so hard for him, and he never knew why.he sighed at the thought and leaned back.he closed his eyes and relaxed.

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