Chapter 10

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Its been a few days since I was stabbed by the intruder. Claude hasn't left my side since then. My wound became infected, badly. I could hardly eat, drink, and move. I just laid in bed in pain, weak, sick feeling, and tired. My skin grew pale. My health decayed rapidly. I opened my (e/c) and looked at Claude's tired face. My vision some what blurry. I knew this was the end, I wouldn't get married. I wouldn't be Claude's wife or even a mother now. I'll be rotting six feet down. My heart ached at the thought of leaving Claude. I finally found the one and now I am dying right before his eyes. 

"Honey, are you hungry?" Claude asked in a soft voice. Worry clouded his gray eyes. 
"No.." I breathed out weakly. I wasn't hungry, the thought of eating made me more sick. All I wanted is to sleep. Sleep was all I could do. I slowly looked towards the window. The day looked bright and happy, I wished I could go out and join everyone. I wished I could be outside, feeling the sun on my cold skin. I looked back towards the wall in the dark room. I sighed and closed my eyes, darkness taking over me. 

I woke with a stir when Claude moved. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. 
"I'll be right back" he said softly heading towards the bathroom. 
I nodded slowly and went to close my eyes but froze when I heard a small bark. I looked towards the window and saw Oliver standing there. Stars sparkled on his fur, he looked young and happy again. I smiled, tears of joy cascaded down my face. 
"Oliver" I whispered happily. I missed him. I missed my best friend. I never stopped wishing he was still alive. Oh, how I wanted to hold him. I wanted to pet his soft fur. He looked happy as could be. Happy and healthy. He barked again staring out the window then back at me. 

"Is this the end?" I whispered to myself seeing his reaction. "Am I really dying?" I asked, fear pecked at my voice as I choked down the feeling of crying. I looked towards the bathroom seeing Claude come out. He came towards me, concern filled his face when he saw my face. 
"What's wrong?" he asked slipping into the bed besides me, pressing his warm body against mine. 

"I..I must go" I said forcing the words out, tears slipped from my eyes, causing a waterfall. 
"No" he said in shock he held onto me. "Don't leave me (y/n) Please don't go. I love you! I've never felt this way about anyone!" He cried out. 
"I love you to. I'll never stop loving you. I'll always be with you" I promised. Feeling my spirit leave. 

In a blink I stood besides my bed, watching Claude cradle my dead body. My old body. I felt energized. I felt better now but the pain of leaving my fiance behind made the feeling worse. 

"(Y/N)!" Claude cried out, pressing his watery face into my old figure. His screams of pain made it even more worse, hearing him cry, watching him... I knew I couldn't do nothing to comfort him. I put my starry hand on his shoulder, knowing he couldn't feel me. 
"I Love you Claude Frollo" I said. I frowned knowing he couldn't hear me. I looked at Oliver who waited for me at the window. Moon light shined down on him. 

"I am coming buddy" I said finally, still hurting I headed towards him, taking one last look at Claude and faded away into the misty moonlight. 

Claude Frollo x Reader-Be mine or BurnWhere stories live. Discover now