Chapter 6

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I've been avoiding Claude for a few days, if I saw him I went the other way. I only went out very early in the morning and late at night. I just didn't know if I wanted to see him or speak to him. These feelings and thoughts started to cloud my mind. He is the only thing I could think of. I couldn't go through another romance. Not after the love scandal, I was apart of. I couldn't do it.

I groaned and laid my head on the makeup stand. 
"Stop groaning. I don't see why you don't date him. He has money. He's rich and he's obviously into you" Adora said setting her book down. She sat on her bed.  
I looked over to her in disbelief. 
"How could I? After the thing with Arthur, I can't. Plus I am a traveler I don't stay in one place for too long.." I stated. 
"What happened was a long time ago. Things change. Time changes. People change" she pointed out. 

I looked down for a moment. She was right. I had to get over it. I had to get over the fact that I was used. After the truth came out I was heartbroken. I physically felt so much intense pain. I closed my eyes remembering what happened. When I was about 17 going on 18 I met a handsome guy who was 19. He has shaggy chocolate brown hair and dark green eyes. I fell in love with him. He was so kind. So loving. He seemed to truly care about me. Wanting to get to know me. But I found him with a wealthy noblewoman, he claimed he never loved me and was only using me to make Camille jealous. He stole a few of my jewels and all of my money and left me. Leaving me alone until I found Oliver as a puppy. He was abandoned by his mother since he was the runt. Just like my parents. Abandon because I had no money and no talents. I wasn't the prettiest or anything. 

After waiting all day for Adora to come back I managed to make a few necklaces out of her broken jewelry. 
"(y/n)!" Adora said frantically as she ran in. 
"What?" I asked jumping up. 
"Frollo is literally gone mad that he can't find you. He's having his men search the city for you!" she said panicky. 
"Are you serious?" I asked running over to the window. I opened the curtains and saw him men searching. 
"What are you going to do?" she asked looking at me. 
"Tonight I'll sneak out and leave. Then I'll just re-enter and claimed I got lost when I went for a walk to search for some plants or something" I explained. 
"Hmm..I don't know if it will work but its worth a shot.." Adora sighed going to sew a dress. 

Its been a few days since I saw (y/n). I started to worry. What if something happened to her! What if she left!?!? I stormed around in circles in my house debating on what to do. I'll have my men search the city for her. Every place, everywhere. 

I looked at the city. Staring at it. Anger boiled through me. "I'll burn the whole city down until I find her!" I declared. 

That night Oliver and I successfully snuck out of the city and went into the forest. I ripped my dress a little to resemble that I've been on a journey for a few nights. I ruffled up Oliver's fur and waited until dawn to head in. When I got to the gates the grauds stopped me. 
"The Judge will be so happy to see you" they grinned grabbing me roughly and grabbing Oliver. 
"Hey let go of me! Don't you dare hurt my dog!" I snarled trying to get free, their gripe only got tighter. I flinched when I heard Oliver scream in pain from them. 

"Sir we found her" the guards said shoving me in front of Claude, I glared at them when they dropped my dog. 
"Miss (y/l/n) We have some talking to do" he grinned. 
"This is how you treat me? Letting your stupid minions treat me like I am some sort of prisoner? And letting them treat Oliver like he's a wild animal?" I snarled wishing I could get to his stupid face but he's on his horse. "Shame on you!" I snapped. 
He seemed taken back by my rudeness. I grabbed Oliver. "You're lucky that I don't just leave now" 
"Come with me let's talk," he said. 
"I don't want to go anywhere with you" I grumbled. I reluctantly followed him to his mansion. Once we got inside I stared coldly at him. "What the hell is your deal?" 
"I didn't know they were going to do that to you. I apologize for it. I would never want you or Oliver harmed. " he said 
"Well, you better train your men better. My dog is better trained than them" I snapped. 
"Let's make things about tonight" Claude grinned. A mischevious grin. 
"Hmm fine. but Oliver comes" I said. I snapped around and stormed out. I can't believe I just agreed to dinner with this lunatic. 

That night I came back. I had a nice tight dress on and my hair up. I put a bow around Oliver. Once we got inside he had me sit down. His butler served us. 
"Where were you?" Claude asked. 
"I went for a long walk" I answered. Not saying anything else. Even when he treated to get me to slip up. After dinner, we sat by the fire for a little bit. He inched closer to me every minute. 

"You know you are very attractive," he said sweetly pressing against me. I grew hot. A blush covered my face. My unholy thoughts decided to become holy. His dragged his fingertips along my arm as he got closer to my neck. "Your everything a man could want" he whispered. 
I shook a little. This is getting tense...but I like it...I could feel him wanting to aim for my neck. 
I could only imagine him kissing my neck. How nice it would be. 

I jumped up. "I think its time we go.," I said awkwardly. He seemed surprised by this. 
"This early?" he asked. 
"Its passed dark anyhow I have a fitting in the morning for a new dress," I said quickly leaving. 

The next morning was kinda gloomy. I sat outside of Adora's home. I talked to a villager when he asked about Adora's family. Last nights attraction wouldn't leave my mind I had to really focus. 

"I got him!" someone cried. I heard a scream of terror. When I looked over I saw two men running with Oliver and bags of stuff. 
"Oliver!" I cried running after them towards the bridge leading out of town. I tripped but got up quickly ignoring the pain. 

"Throw the stupid mutt! He won't make it anyhow!" a man said. 

I watched in horror as Oliver was tossed over the bridge and into the rushing water. I ran down the side and jumped into the water. "Oliver!" Oliver!" I cried coughing out water every time I swallowed it. I took a deep breath and went under looking for my best friend. The freezing current slammed into me as I tried to reach my dog. My lungs started to scream for air when I stayed under for too long. I ignored the pain I couldn't leave him. 

I yowled out, opening my mouth only to take in more water when a sharp clawing pain got my leg. I reached out and grabbed him trying to swim up only to get dragged out. fear filled my body. All I wanted to do was cry for help. I panic. My heart pounding as I used the force of a lion to break the surface. 

"(y/n)!" I heard a cry. I gazed around. My sight hazy from the water. I swam towards land. I felt relieved when I felt someone grab me. I coughed out water. 

"You're alive!" Frollo said coming down beside me wrapping his cape around me. 
"Oliver" I said starting to shake. I grabbed my soaking wet lump of fur. I pressed close to him. "He's not breathing!" I cried out. Tears filling my eyes. It felt like a knife just stabbed through my heart. My heart shattered into pieces like glass when it gets hit. 

"Please Oliver wake up..don't leave me.. buddy don't leave me!" I cried pressing my face into his cold fur. "Don't're the only one I have left.." 

I shook hard as I cried into my best friend's fur. I couldn't believe it. He's gone. The only friend I have. Gone. Taken away. At what cost? Jewelry? Food? Those assholes that killed my dog for no reason deserve to burn in Hell. 

Claude took me to his mansion after we buried Oliver. His butler gave me some extra clothes that they bought. I laid in one of the guest room beds. Staring out the window. Tears leaving my eyes. I gripped the blankets letting out a loud cry of pain. 

Claude Frollo x Reader-Be mine or BurnWhere stories live. Discover now