The Humility Of A Milkovich

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I found myself wondering into a bar, as I had found myself doing so many times before. I was definitely underaged but the bartender continued to serve me because he knew my father. My father! The thought of that man made me want to vomit, and here I was in a bar at some time before five, waving down the man for a couple shots, drinking so early like he had always done. I wouldn't be surprised if I turned out to be just like that man, except I would never be able to bring myself to hit or harm my children, unlike that pathetic excuse for a man, I was capable of love.

"Hey Ronnie!" I smiled, taking back the first shot  with ease. "You ever been in love?" The man stopped his conversation and thought on it, hands continuing to clean out the shot glasses. "I mean kiddie love? You know where you want to be with that person so much it hurts?" Back went the second shot, woah! It was obvious I  hadn't been drinking in awhile as the second shot was the one to get to me. "Or have you ever liked someone so dearly and you told them and they rejected you in the nicest way possible and you want to smash their face in but at the same time kiss them?"

"N-no..." Ronnie looked at the shot glasses, he hadn't filled them up, they were small shots so the confused look was a clear as him asking 'why I couldn't handle them as he had seen me do so many times before.' "But I have been in love, I think it was her who wanted to smash my face in though," He smiled softly, running his thumb over the scar on his cheek. "She gave me this but I can't be too mad, I was young and stupid and made continuously stupid decisions."

"And here I thought you had gotten that from war or something," some guy sitting next to me laughs and I frown, pulling my switchblade from my knife and holding it out to him.

"Love is nothing to laugh about. It's a war within itself if you would..." the guy holds his hands up but Ronnie takes the knife from my hand and shoves it into his back pocket.

"I think you've had enough to drink, I'll cover your tab this time, go home and rest." Ronnie was the best man ever, I wish I had fallen in love with someone like him, someone so caring. I jump off the stool and request my knife back only to be denied. "I'll give it to you the next time you come in but you'll have to stay sober."

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Jokes on you because I have two!" I stuck my tongue out at him and rushed out the bar, nearly tripping a few times before I managed to get outside completely. "Well where to next?" I let my feet do the walking, my brain lost as to where we were going, not like I cared much, I just wasn't ready to go home.

"Well I didn't want to end up here either!" I look up to find myself in front of the Gallagher house. I go to walk away only to be stopped by a loud scream coming from inside the house. I furrowed my brows, stumbling a little as I fought with myself in deciding if I wanted to go investigate the noise further or not. It was probably just Ian and his crazy ass family doing something just as crazy, I guess I really had no room to judge. I go to walk away but there's another scream, this one sounds like a scream of pain and although I had never heard him scream it sounded like it was from Ian. I rush up the stairs without second thought and stumble through the door, my knife out and ready for use. The two on the couch look over at me and they both scream.  I find Fiona with Ian in a headlock, her knuckles rubbing against his head in a taunting manner.

"Ah! Ah? Y/N?" Both of them shout, jumping back on the couch but not growing defensive. 

"What are you doing here?" Fiona asks, nudging Ian as he just stared, face heating up.

"I thought Ian was in trouble so..." I scratched the back of my neck, shoving my knife in my jacket pocket. "Sorry, I still shouldn't have barged in," By the looks on their faces and the awkward tension that had clouded the room I could tell they were most likely talking about today's events and I needed to get out of there. Now! "It doesn't matter! I'll be going now!"

"Okay! Be safe!"

"Yeah, don't barge into anyone's house! Not everyone is a Gallagher!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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