Milkoviches Don't Apologize

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"Hey, Gallagher," I smile walking in the Kash and Grab,

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks, fear evident in his voice as he pulls a bat from behind the counter,

"Chill out dude, I'm not even packing, my dad sent me to get him some cigarettes," I say pulling out a ten,

"I can't sell you cigarettes, you're underage." He smirked and I knew he enjoyed this power he held,

"Do you enjoy being punched in the face?" I ask pulling him over the counter by his collar, "Because it looks like I did some work on that nose of yours," I push him back, "Now I'll take a pack of shorts, Camels, for free, for you being such a fucking jackass!" I spit shaking my head, pushing my ten dollar bill back into my pocket.

He grabs the pack of Cigarettes and reluctantly chucks them at me, "What did you punch me anyway, you seemed to believe me about now hurting Mandy, why the fuck did you do this to my nose?" I shrug grabbing a Snickers and opening it,

"I had to make it look like I came and beat you up so Mickey and Iggy and Colin wouldn't try to come and kill ya, I did you a favor, trust me." He scoffs,

"This is your definition of a favor? A favor is lending some five dollars, or telling someone's mom they were at your house when they were out fucking someone their parents don't want them seeing, turning my nose black and blue is not a favor,"

"It's a favor in my book," I shrug, finishing the last bite of the snickers, "Thanks for the snickers by the way," I laugh, shoving the wrapper into my front pocket,

"You owe me for that,"

"No, I don't, we all know I'm not going to pay,"

"It's only a dollar, you can pay a dollar, you have ten in your pocket,"

"Shut the fuck up Gallagher before I give you a matching lip to match that nose of yours,"

"Why do you guys do that? Why do you insult and belittle people? Is it to make yourself feel better?" I flip him off, walking toward the door,

"Fuck you, Gallagher," I go to walk out the door but I walk back, "And if I were you, I'd watch my fucking mouth, I could easily have my brothers back on your ass, in the snap of a finger, we don't play about Mandy, okay?" I smile, walking out the door, leaving him to sit and think,

"Fucking Milkoviches,"

Poisoned Love {Ian Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now