Normal School Day?!?

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You are at school. It is first period and your teacher is being rather insufferable today. All of the sudden, a figure bursts through the fire exit door leading outside. This door is locked-but not anymore. The figure reveals itself to be Death The Kidd, the badass amazing wonderful hot anime character that you thought wasn't real. But that hadn't stopped you from absolutely falling in love with him! Anyways, he had just busted into your boring classroom. With his twin pistols, Liz and Patty, in his hands. You screech with surprise and elation at the fact your fictional boyfriend just showed up in your boring classroom. Everyone in your class looks completely confused, including that one other kid in the class that likes anime. She hasn't seen Soul Eater and doesn't understand the miracle that just occurred. At the sight of the black and white hair and guns, your teacher thought Kidd was a psyco murder, and told everyone to say away from him and hide. Kidd points the guns in everyone's general direction, telling them to get on the floor. The teacher tries to talk him out of it, but Kidd tells them to shut up and get on the ground or be killed. You know, of course, that Kidd wouldn't kill innocent people, so the kids peeing their pants and the scared teacher have nothing to worry about, right? Right. Unless you're on drugs, which you probably aren't because you ain't about that life. Anyway, Kidd is looking around at everyone and he locks eyes with you. He locks beautiful amazing horrid eyes with you, an awkward young adult who has never even HELD HANDS with a boy. He walks over, and tells you to stand up. While you get up, you realize that this was probably because you were the only person looking at him without fear in your eyes. You probably should be scared, but you aren't. All you feel is pure joy. You stand in front of him, realizing he is about a head shorter than you. He leans inward, getting inches from your face, and says. "Your not symmetrical." With this he throws one of the guns back, and as it turns into Liz he hands her the other sister. She points it back at the teacher, and leaves Kidd to fix your hair. He changes the part so it splits right down the center, and even brings out grim reaper tweezers to pluck your eye brows. As he straitened your hoodie, you gathered the nerve to ask him why he's here, against all odds, at your school, fixing your hair. In reply he states calmly, "plot holes have formed all over the many realities and genres. This allows people from separate universes and dimensions to create crossovers by traveling through portals. I need companions from many realities to ultimately fix these plot holes and restore balance. I have chosen you from this plane to be one of many on my team". "But why me?" You whisper, in total awe. "Because," he says,"You are the messiah. Just kidding. You seem to have great knowledge of me, and other realms, or what you call 'fandoms'. That means you're most likely not going to ask as many questions as a normal person, and you will keep an open mind. This is the knowledge we have gained from your phone and computer history. Also, you were the closest fangirl to the portal we came through." Kidd begins to take out his skate board, which is a lot longer looking in real life, you think. Liz turns back into a gun, but not before winking and saying " welcome to the team bitch!" Kidd says that we should get going, and turns not to the door he came from, but the door leading to the rest of the school. You hop onto the back of the skate board, hanging on for support. As you and Kidd ride down the halls, you ask the well-armed boy if you'll ever see your friends and family again. He replied with a "Yeah know, unless you die." As the school's lock down alarms go off, and the speed of the skate board accelerates, you can only think
one thought: FUCKING WORTH IT. And with that, you hop a portal into another dimension.

An- this story was just a test to see how to use wattpad on mobile. Idk if I'm actually going to finish it, but the positive feedback made my day, so here's an update!

After jumping into the portal, you go into sensory overload. Colors move and flash around you, neon and bright, solar wind wiping through your hair. "What is this place?" you ask him, eyes full of wonder and awe. "This is Ruby Realm, the land (more of a tunnel, really) in between the fandoms. Each hole is a portal to another plane of existence. Once you enter one of those portals, you take the form of that realm, or as you might say, the 'art style' of that realm." He replies flatly, uninterested.

You look around at some of the portals, and, seeing some things you recognize, get really excited. your smile is wild and you feel energy scrambling in the pit of your stomach. Full of vim, a thought pops into your head. Your smile falters. Something here doesn't add up. "But what about the authors?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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