"You cleaned her up and brought her up here?" She question him.

"I did. I even ended my deal which he didn't too much care anyway. I'm pretty sure he was going to kill me and keep it all to himself. That's why I called Kris and told her she could come get her mother." Stephan shrugs.

"Well I didn't know all that. I still should shoot your ass." Adela says. Stephan scoffs a laugh while shaking his head.

"I deserve that." He says. Adela nods as Teresa stands up and falls down. Stephan and Adela both run to her aide. She holds her throbbing side that's already bruised, sitting up as Adela and Stephan both help her back on the bed.

"Ima kill that nigga for doing to this to you." Adela mumbles while sitting her mother down.

"Not if I get to him first." Teresa sighs as Stephan and Adela both stand to their feet.

"Kris might beat us both to that Mama. Come on, let's get you dressed and out of here. Do you think you can make it to the car?" Teresa nods while slowly standing. Stephan holds her up for support while Adela grabs her things to dress in. Once she's done, the three of them head down the stairs. Malik pulls around front, hopping out a little confused when he sees Stephan alive and walking. Adela tells him that she'll explain later and Malik let it go. He felt it wasn't his place to say anything anyway. After helping Teresa in the car, Adela and Malik both get in and pull off. Stephan stands at the door, watching them drive off and make their way towards the gate. Once it opens, Malik drives out to meet with Kris. Of course with traffic at four in the morning, things were definitely going to move slow. They all hoped they'd get there in time.

Meanwhile in New Jersey, the kingpin pulls a t-shirt over his head. Sitting at the foot of the bed, he steps his foot in his Timb's and lace them up. He decided to come home after some work at the warehouse. He felt he needed a nice shower to get ready for tonight. The plan is to head into New York and get Teresa from Stephan. Of course kill him and take Teresa on to Kyree's warehouse. When he gets there, his son and a few other guards will be there. After setting up, they'll call Kris to let her know that they have Teresa. When she arrives, they'll have a chat until he offs her and gains everything. There will be some things in between, but he felt he'd get the job done. After placing on his jacket, he hears his phone ring. Picking it up, he slides the icon over to answer it and places the phone to his ear.

"What's up Swish?" He questions.

"I'm outside." Swish says.

"Okay. I'll be out in five." The man hangs up the phone and sits it in his pocket. Turning off the lights he leaves his room and jogs down the steps. Before leaving out, he turns off the lights and leaves out. Seeing the car parked in front of the door he gets in the back. Closing the door he sits back comfortably while smirking.

"You can go ahead Swish." He orders. Swish doesn't move causing the man to laugh and shake his head.

"Come on nigga we got business to handle." He chuckles. Seeing that Swish still hasn't moved causes the man to get suspicious. He leans up and sees Swish's throat is slashed. Cursing under his breath, the man gets out and closes the door while heading back in the house. When he gets there, he tries to turn on the lights but nothing happens. He takes out his phone to call his son and the call goes straight to voicemail. Hearing the tv turn on, he hears a male voice shouting at someone. Entering the living room, he turns to the tv narrowing his eyebrows to Dame who's half conscious. Behind him, Kris leans against the door frame watching the man stare at the tv in shock.

"Things didn't go as well as you planned huh?" She questions, causing the man to jump. He turns and points as anger built up in his body.

"How did you-" Kris cuts him off while stepping further into the living room.

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