"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- fuck I'm a mess." I stress, covering my mouth with my hand. Dijon clears his throat and adjusts his jacket.

"Nah it's cool." He assures, licking his lips with narrowed eyebrows.

"No, I took that statement wrong. You probably didn't mean it like that." There's total silence between us both as I keep my distance away from him. Dijon than leans in his lap and folds his hands in front of him.

"I mean you can take it both ways honesty. As a friend or more than a friend. Either way, i'd be there for you." He shrugs. While wrapping my arms around myself, I rock side to side and think about Kaseem. We aren't together but I do have to consider his feelings. I can't play with both men, nor can I let my heart be broken again. I have to know what Dijon and I are doing. Like, how he feels.

"What exactly is that suppose to mean Dijon?" He exhales and stands to his feet, slowly walking over towards me.

"I know we've only known one another for just four months, but my feelings for you are vastly growing. You match me in a lot of ways that I've prayed any woman who came along would do. It's too early to say love but I'm interested in seeing where this goes." We stare into one another's eyes as my heart races and a small breath passes through my lips. He caresses my biceps with his thumbs as I stood there dumbfounded. I knew I couldn't leave him stranded so I open my mouth to speak but my phone rings. I quickly walk around him grab my phone off the glass coffee table.

"Hello." I answer.

"Yo, we found Naeem." Moss informs over the phone. I grab my jacket and Dijon helps me put it on.

"Where are you?" Grabbing my bag, I head out as Dijon follows me. I open the door and let him leave out first. Locking the door behind me, I twist the knob to double check.

"Methodist Hospital in the city." Moss informs.

"Ard, I'm on my way." Hanging up my phone, I sit it in my pocket as Dijon follows me.

"What's going on?" He questions as we board the elevator. Digging in my pocket, I open my messages to text Floyd.

"They found the guy that helped abduct my mother. He's in the hospital for some reason." I mumble as he presses the button for the lobby.

"I'm going with you." Dijon says.

"Okay." We both exit off the elevator and walk the lobby to the exit. Heading to my car, I unlock it and we both get in and I see the time of ten thirty in the morning. I really didn't feel like arguing with him about coming with me. He obviously wants to be there for me and I wasn't going to say no to that. I need all the support I can get right now. As I drive to the hospital, I grip the steering wheel. Moss really found this man and I was half stressed because this was a lot to handle. I was now witnessing what my father had to go through. Protecting us from his enemies who wanted to off us, all for some shit that isn't guaranteed. I never got why people wanted the top spot. Day by day you're basically fighting to survive, not because of the money or legacy, but because you value life itself including other's. I think I'm starting to get it now.

Dijon and I enter the hospital, seeing Moss and Femi in the waiting area. When they see us, they stand to their feet and tuck their hands in their pockets.

"What's up, who's this?" Moss questions, nodding his head towards Dijon.

"Moss, Femi, this is Dijon. Dijon, this is  Moss and Femi. Now what's going on with Naeem?" They all nod in greeting to one another. The small talk could wait.

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