Chapter 19-Frenemy

Start from the beginning

"Not exactly your type of club."

"Uh, well, Dad. There's a conversation we need-,"

"You're not gay."

"What? I could be."

"Not dressed like that."

Laken turned her head, finding her boyfriend leaning against his car. "My rides here." She opened her brother Jeep to grab her bag, "Make sure he gets home safe."


"Mr. Whittemore, maybe I'm missing something, but, uh, this doesn't exactly spell out foul play." Noah Stilinsk tod his daughters best friends adoptive father.

"It reads, "stayed at a friends house last night. Everything fine. Love you." Now while we're as close as any family can be, there are certain things Jackson hasn't been able to say since the day we told him he was adopted." Mr. Whittemore told him.

"Thinks like what?"

"Jackson never says, "I love you,"."

"Never?" Noah asked.

"Not once in 11 years. Well, only to us, but he does say it."

"To Lydia? His girlfriend?"

"No. To your daughter."


Stiles leaned against the front of the police van, typing on Jackson's phone and telling his parents that Jackson was staying at a friends house.


He jumped at the sound of Allison's voice, "Oh my god."

"They know." She told him.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"They know Jackson's missing!"

"No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night, they don't have a clue."

"My grandfather told me his parents went to the police." Allison stressed. "They know."

Stiles held his arm out, the phone dangling from his finger tips. He dropped the phone into Allison's hand and went to listen to the police radio.

"All around units proceed to the Beacon Preserve as instructed. Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival. Repeat, proceed with caution."


Laken stormed into the police stations, a worried expression on her face. While her and Derek were spending time with each other, no supernatural anything around she had gotten a phone call from her father.

"Oh thank god." She breathed out, rushing into Noah's office. She quickly push passed her father and Mr. Whittemore, hugging her best friend. "Where the hell have you been?! Why didn't you come to school today?!"

"Oh, you're gonna love this." Noah told his daughter, "Your brother and Scott decided to kidnap Jackson and kept him in a police transport bus, in the woods."

"I'm gonna kill 'em." She mumbled, sitting down next to her best friend.

Just as she sat down, the door to their father's office came open and Stiles and Scott stopped before the threshold, eyes going wide at the sight of a fuming Laken.

"Scott, Stiles." Noah spoke, going to stand in front his son and his friend. "Perfect timing. Have you met Jackson's father, Mr. David Whittemore, Esquire."

"That means lawyer." Both Laken and Jackson said in sync.


Laken sat in the middle of her bed, books scattered around as she studied for a test that she had coming up in her AP class. The window in her room came open and she didn't even have to turn her head to know that it was her boyfriend coming the way he always did.

"You know, my Dad know's were together now so why exactly are you still using my window?" She asked, eyes never leaving the textbook she had in her lap.

"Yeah, but what's the fun in that?" Derek asked, sitting behind her. "So what did dumb and dumber do to make you mad at them?"

"Oh, you know. Kidnapped my best friend, who escaped the prison van they had him hid in and got a retaining order on themselves."

"Sounds like you need to relax, baby." He mumbled, pressing his lips to her exposed skin.

"I'm trying to study." She told him with a laugh.

"Then take a break." He took the book from her hands and threw it somewhere in the room, pushing the remaining books to the floor.

"Five minutes and that's it." She told him as he moved to crawl on top of her.

"Five minutes."

Written In The Stars{Derek Hale/Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now