"Miss Lewis, is there any chance of leaving before the turn of the next century?" Loki's voice suddenly rang out from beyond the bathroom door. "I'll need another shave at this rate!"

Pushing all her deep thoughts aside, Darcy squared her shoulders and opened the door.

"You mean you actually shave with a razor and don't use magic? Wow. Who knew?" Her words dissolved as she found herself face to face with a very dapper-looking God of Mischief.

From the instant she set eyes on his tall frame, which was at it's best in the high-collared shirt, and well-cut black suit jacket, which fitted snugly across his broad shoulders, she literally felt her jaw go slack.
She continued her silent assessment with increasing excitement. From his lush black hair, smart waistcoat and black trousers that fitted his long legs perfectly, right down to the expensive leather shoes on his feet, she took-in every inch of him....And her mouth practically began to water.

Shit, those trousers. They clung to his legs so lovingly, they were approximately one centimetre away from being obscenely tight.

"Holy shit!" She didn't know if she'd thought or said the words, but in that moment she didn't really care. "You look....frickin' awesome!"

He ran a large hand over his chest with a flair of sensuality that made her slightly weak at the knee, then rested it on his jutting hip bone. "You don't find it a little too ostentatious?"

She shook her head. "Nope. And since when has that bothered you anyway? Seriously. This coming from the guy who wears a gold helmet with huge bendy horns!"

"You leave my horns out of it if you don't mind."

"Hey, I actually really liked your horny look." She confessed without thinking. "They're actually....kinda hot."

His eyebrows shot up animatedly, and she had to suppress a giggle. "Really? How interesting. And what about now? Do you find me equally appealing without the horns?"

She grinned widely and raised her thumbs up right into his face, which made her wonder if the bottle of wine they'd shared hadn't gone to her head more than she'd realised.

"Hell yeah! With or without the horns, you're helluva hot. And if I were single, dude, I'd climb you like a tree!"

Oops. Her mouth was really running off today. But the alcohol was giving her false courage, taking the edge off her inhibitions, and she could feel her cares lifting from her.

"How unfortunate that you aren't single." He drawled.

Best not to even go there, she thought.

"All joking aside, I do find you very handsome. But enough of you now, L. It's not all about you. How do I look?"

Loki's feral grin had the most disturbing effect on her pulse, as he eyed her intently like a starving wolf eyeing a prime-cut piece of steak. " Miss Lewis, quite simply, you look...."

She bit her lip, eagerly waiting for him to finish his sentence. But it appeared he was struggling to find the right words, which was a first for him.

".....you look utterly ravishing."

Darcy felt a rush of excitement and pride, though she did her best to look unfazed. "Thank you. That's sweet!" She turned away, but then thought she heard him mutter something that worryingly sounded like...

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now