chapter 10

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the furious voice drew everyone's attention to the direction that it had come from. A man wearing clothing identical to the Fake zorro was standing there. "I said get away from her" the man spoke coldly.

Bella sat up slightly but keeping her face away from the blade still pointed at her face. "Zorro!" she said in surprise recognizing the voice.

"stay down" Zorro demanded sharply walking forward pulling the sword from his side. "I will deal with this" he said as he moved into a fighting stance.

"Even better" the Commandant said his voice thick with sadistic greed and murderous venom as he turned his blade away from Bella and towards Zorro.

Bella took this moment to get away from that spot and away from the two men who were now face to face with each other. with each step she took the dizzier she became. midnight trotted up to her and knelt down knocking her over onto his back before getting up and walking to a safe distance where she could still see what was happening but was at a safe spot.

Bella tensed up watching Zorro and The commandant strike out at each other. neither backing down. bella was too far in shock to believe her eyes as she stared at the battle in front of her. Half of her wanted to believe that the man standing there fighting the commandant was real but another part of her refused to believe that he was there knowing that he was dead and afraid of her heart being broken once again.

she held her arm close to her the sting was still there from the whip hitting her but she barely noticed it as she kept her focus on the fight in front of her.

Zorro had the upper hand in the fight and seemed to really be enjoying himself almost as if this was a game to him, where as the Commandant was getting angry and more forceful in his brutal attacks.

Zorro knocked the sword out of the commandants hand and quickly and swiftly carved a Z on the Commandant's shirt. "let this be a lesson commandant. you can try what ever scheme you want to try but there is one thing that you can count on. Black Whip and my self will always be there to protect our people no matter who the foe is" Zorro said.

The commandants rage grew he reached for his sword but a gun shot rang through the air stopping them all in their tracks.

"now I think that is quiet enough." the gruff voice of JMR sounded.

Everyone turned to look and saw the director of the BAU standing there with two others.

"director?" Hotch spoke up confused and surprised to see him there.

"when I said you choose I didn't think you were going out to fight this idiot" the man standing next to the Director spoke up.

Bella felt her self relax seeing that it was Scorpius. "I wasn't planning it" she said with a shrug.

"you two had best get on out of here. we can take it from here" JMR said.

"he will just escape again" Bella spoke up.

"we will deal with it then" Zorro replied walking over to her putting his sword back into its holster.

Bella looked down at him from her place on Midnights back.

"I truly am here my love" he said reassuringly seeing the doubt in her eyes. He gave a sharp whistle and a sleek black stallion trotted out from the shadows and over to Zorro. "tornado my old friend, lets go" he said getting up onto Tornados back.

"after you" he said looking at Bella as Hotch made his way over trying to stop them in attempts to talk to them. Bella blinked a few times coming out of her statue state urging Midnight to go. Midnight not needing much urging darted off. Zorro made a clicking sound and tornado made off after her and Midnight leaving nothing but dust behind them.

Bella and Midnight were the first to enter the hidden cave. Bella dismounted Midnight and walked away from him as she put up the whip and the sword.

Zorro and Tornado slipped into the cave. Zorro dismounted and walked over to her. "Bella?" he said looking at her worriedly.

Bella fought the urge to turn and look at him. "hm?" she asked trying to keep her mind cleat. Zorro sighed a bit as he pulled off his mask.

"I understand that you are mad but can we not as least talk" he asked.

"what is there to talk about" Bella asked tearfully. "its just as you said. seeing you again. it's just brought up too much. it will only hurt more when you leave again" she said pulling off her hat.

"that is the last thing I wanted" Diego said softly walking up behind her wrapping his arms around her. He felt her tense up.

"It may be the last thing you wanted but it is the truth and it is what is going to happen. why did you even follow me back" she asked tearfully.

"because we need to talk we left each other with...nothing. nothing but questions and pain and" he started off.

"pain, anguish, torture, heartache knowing that you were dead" Bella said finally turning and looking up at him.

"it hurt so much. it hurt knowing you were gone. that I had nothing left of you. that I was alone" bella said.

"but you were never alone" Diego said. "you had Alec" he added.

"how...never mind...he wasn't you Diego and I had him far after you were gone" Bella said.

"bella you only saw what you thought was what you were seeing. you were too blinded by grief to see what was in front of you" Diego said shaking his head sadly.

"what the hell is that supposed to mean?" bella asked bitterly not in the mood for mind games.

"bella I ment what I said. you gave me everything I ever wanted. love, a family, a companion" he started.

"I killed your blood line Diego. what are you talking about I never gave you a family." she said confused.

"Alec is every bit of me as he is you. you have just been to blinded to see it" Diego replied.

"Alec? what? no he's..." bella trailed off trying to think.

"Bella. Alec is mine. Hades was skeptical too, but he confirmed it." Diego explained.

"im...possible" bella mumbled as she felt her self being whisked away by her shock once again diego seeing her swaying and the dazed look in her eyes wrapped his arms around her quickly just in time to stop her from hitting the ground.

Birthday Gift Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora