chapter 6

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~the unsub was standing behind the female whose arms were cut up. "Look at what betraying me has done senorita" the unsub whispered in her ear. The female leaned away trembling.

"Leave her alone!" One of the male victims yelled.

The unsub looked up at the male. He reached over picking up a knife off of the table. Blood splattered as the female he was leaning into screamed loudly in pain~

Bella flinched pulling away from the wall. "It was the female," she said looking over at Rossi. "He was mad at the female. That's why she had so many cuts...he wanted to hurt her" she whispered feeling slightly sick. She turned and walked out of the house quickly.

Rossi hurried and followed her out.

"Bella!" He stopped her.

Bella looked over at him.

"What happened?" Ross asked. "What's so important about today? What happened?" He asked

Bella felt a tear fall from her eye. "I was born" she replied coldly trembling bitterly walking over to the car before he could say anything. She was tempted to drive away and leave him there, however, she could bring her self to do it. Once he was in the car she drove away.

She wiped at her eyes trying to ignore Rossi when a black horse with a man who was wearing all black attire ran out into the road. Bella quickly slammed on the breaks turning the wheel trying to avoid hitting the horse causing the car to skid off the road.

She wasn't aware when Bee had taken control of the car saving them from crashing into the trees. She was barely aware of the darkness that took over as they skid off the road causing her to fly forward hitting her head on the steering wheel.

Once the initial shock had worn off Rossi saw that the car was still moving, however, they were back on the road speeding down the road.

"Ok, whoa..whoa whoa...what the hell is going on" Rossi spoke looking around trying to understand. Finding his phone he pulled it out.

"Destination hospital" the radio spoke.

Rossi looked more than a little freaked out as he called Hotch while attempting to wake Bella up.


Rossi pressed his phone to his ear hearing Hotch answer. "Hotch can you meet us at the hospital?" he asked.

"why what happened?" Hotch asked.

"I don't know. Bella panicked and swerved off the road. she's unconscious and I can't get her to wake up. and her car is going haywire like it has an auto piolet" Rossi explained.

"Alright, Morgan and I will be there in a moment." Hotch replied "Garcia and JJ found something they think might connect the case together ill put you on speaker," he said.

"I actually found it on accident" JJ's voice said over the speaker of the phone. "it was on the package of the first package that Bella got today with the fox. The name on the package is different than what her name is." JJ explained.

"what is the name?" Rossi asked.

"De La Vega" JJ replied.

"this is where I take over. JJ asked me to Look up what Zorro meant. Bella told her it meant fox and that there wasn't any significance to the name. well, Bella was right but she was also wrong. Zorro does mean fox in Spanish but what she either neglected to tell us or what she didn't know whichever is that it is also the name of a man off of an old TV show." Penelope explained.

"what does that have to do with the case?" Rossi asked confused.

"it's based on a time where California was owned by the Spanish," Derek said.

"has anyone ever watched the show?" Rossi asked.

"I watched a little bit of it. not much I really wasn't paying attention to it" Derek replied being the only one to speak up.

"what do you remember of it?" Hotch asked.

"umm, that Zorro guy was wanted by the military. like I said I wasn't really paying attention I was trying to fix a broken pipe" Derek explained.

"I should also probably mention something" Penelope spoke up.

"what is it?" Emily asked.

" has based off a true story from what I gathered. the De La Vega family actually existed in that time period, the only this is the bloodline died out in the same time period. this is when it really gets weird" Penelope explained.

"Weird how?" Rossi asked.

"do you believe in people living over way over the normal age line for humans?" Penelope asked.

"you mean like memories...vampires spirits what are we talking baby girl?" Derek asked.

"just like I said it's weird. the last beneficiary is one Bella De La Vega the same girl that was in the painting" Penelope explained. "she was named the heir and Beneficiary when the last of the family died out. which is weird because she had the last name. I couldn't find a death certificate. the records only state that one of the De La Vegas died looking for her after she disappeared" Penelope explained.

"that is weird," Rossi said looking over at Bella. "look we are pulling up to the hospital now bring we can talk later," Rossi said.

"why are you at the hospital?" Derek asked.

"Hotch ill let you tell them," Rossi said hanging up the phone as the car came to a stop in front of the hospital and opened both doors. Rossi jumped out and ran to the other side calling for help as the doors to the hospital opened and pulled Bella out of the car. he was taking her in when some nurses and a doctor arrived to help.

"I wouldn't do that"

Rossi looked over quickly hearing a little boy. Alec stood there staring at Bella who was unconscious.

"they will kill her," Alec said gaining the Nurses and Doctors attention.

"we know what we are doing. we will try our best to save her" the Doctor said firmly as they wheeled Bella away.

Alec looked up at Rossi. "they are going to kill her" he repeated.

"they have had training in the medical field she will be alright, who are you?" Rossi asked.

"they don't know anything. they are not her Doctors. she doesn't need them she needs her doctors." Alec said stubbornly.

Rossi tensed up a little. "why do you say that?" he asked starting to become worried.

"they don't know how to care for her. they don't look at her records. they won't know what they can use on her and what they cant. they will kill her...and I will be there when they do." Alec replied suddenly disappearing leaving a very confused and worried Rossi.

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