chapter 4

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Bella walked on back to her desk but stopped suddenly seeing a package on her desk. "uh JJ?" she asked.

JJ looked up. "hey you got a package," she said pointing over to the desk.

"I can see that" Bella replied looking a tad bit uncomfortable.

"what's wrong afraid it will be another fox," JJ asked jokingly.

Bella shook her head. "no I'm just seriously wondering who keeps sending me this stuff" she said walking over to her desk and picked up her keys ripping the box open with them. she pulled the cardboard and paper out of the way. she pulled out a red and black themes dress. it was a Spanish themed dress. she dropped it quickly as if it had burned her.

JJ quickly stood and walked over to the packaging looking for anything that might tell who sent the package.

"I...I have to go" Bella said fighting back her emotions.

"Bella wait" JJ tried to stop her, however, she didn't listen as she turned and ran out of the office and out of the building as fast as her feet would take her, however as soon as the doors opened to the building she ran into something...someone, knocking her self down.

She looked up through tear-filled eyes and saw a 12-year-old boy standing there looking down at her worriedly.

"momma? are you ok?" He asked.

"Alec" she whispered getting up and pulling him closer to her. "what are you doing here?" she asked sounding frightened.

"looking for you. Why are you crying? did something happen?" Alec asked.

"something like that baby" Bella replied looking away not wanting him to see her so weak.

"Bella? what's wrong? who's this?" Bella looked up and saw Hotch and Rossi walking over.

Bella shook her head a bit not wanting to answer, however, answered anyway. "its nothing. I'm fine" she replied wiping at her eyes. "this is um...this is Alec. he was worried. I haven't eaten anything today." Bella said quickly.

"she tends to get dizzy and sick if she doesn't eat" Alec explained.

"a lot of people do honey," Bella said sounding annoyed.

"why didn't you say anything? we passed several food places coming here" Hotch said sounding worried.

"I...I didn't want to bother you" Bella replied scratching the back of her head.

"you go to tell us these things. we are not going to get mad at you because you have to eat" Rossi spoke up.

"I...I know I just...don't like people fussing over me. I'm fine" Bella replied quickly. "I don't do well with...people caring," she said.

"you never have," Alec spoke up.

"shut up Alec," Bella said through her teeth slightly annoyed. "Umm you guys outta go up to the office...they might have found something," she said quickly.

"Alright...go on and get something to eat. we don't need you passing out" Hotch said.

"right I will that" Bella replied with a nod as they went inside.

Alec looked up at Bella as soon as the doors were shut. "you didn't eat" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"oh give me a was believable," Bella said with a scowl as they walked away from the building.

"it makes me wonder how you survived this long" Alec said with a saddened sigh.

"what are you really doing here Alec?" Bella asked as they walked down the street to a Café just down the street.

"ok well...we just didn't think you should be alone right now with today being what it is" Alec explained.

"I told you guys I don't want to do anything to day," Bella said exasperatedly.

"we know its just...You know...every year something bad always happens" Alec said hesitantly.

Bella sighed looking around. "I know," she said with a nod. "that's one reason why I never want to do anything. its just...its, not a good day. it's not safe" she said.

"why can't we just go home?" Alec asked.

"you know why Alec. Dad just...wouldn't understand" Bella replied as they walked into the Café and up to the register.

Bella ordered two large cups of Hot chocolate to go and a few things to eat as you go foods to eat back at the office.

she started to pay for the order but the lady at the counter stopped her. "it has already been paid for" she said.

Bella looked at her puzzled. "by who?" she asked.

"The man before you dear" the woman replied going back to what she was doing.

Bella looked around trying to see if she could spot anyone who could have been the one to have paid for their bill, however she saw no one that stood out.

"that is weird," she said worriedly.

"id say" Alec replied as they walked out.

Bella looked down at Alec in thought. "hey Alec" she said.

"Yeah?" he asked looking up at her.

"you haven't sent me anything recently have you?" she asked.

"Hmm no, why?" Alec asked puzzled. "everything I give you I give you in person," Alec said confused.

"oh...right...its nothing...I think" Bella replied with a sigh.

"has somebody sent you something?" Alec asked.

"yeah, one earlier and one just while ago, but I have no idea who sent them" Bella replied.

"that's weird," Alec said with a nod.

"what's even more confusing is this new case," Bella said.

"aren't all cases until they are solved." Alec pointed out.

"Yes but this one is just...I don't know. I don't think I can solve this one" Bella replied.

"how long ago did you get the case?" Alec asked.

"honestly today and I'm already wanting to rip my hair out. we can't find anything to connect our victims except their hair and the way they all died." Bella explained as they were walking back to the BAU building.

"want me to check around?" Alec asked.

"Hm tempting...but no" Bella replied. "we will think of something hon" she replied as they stopped outside of the building.

"you really should get back," she said.

"I think I need to stay," Alec said shaking his head at her. "it's not you we don't trust. It's other people. every year it's the same thing" he said.

"and just what will you stay here do Alec? make you watch it. Baby, I will be fine" Bella said reassuringly.

"you said that the last time," Alec said looking up at her.

"and look I'm right here. I'm fine. you want to help. then help me. go to James's house. help me by giving me some peace of knowing where you are at and that you are safe. that's what I need right now" Bella explained bending down and kissing him on the cheek. standing up straight she shooed him away.

"go torment my cousin," she said amused knowing that he would do just that.

"Alright alright but call me. I need to know you're safe too" Alec said turning her words back on her. she smiled a bit.

"every hour" bella replied watching him as he walked away.

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