Chapter 8- Iver Sisters

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Chapter 8- Iver Sisters

Can anyone guess what Sage's ability is? It's not as common as you may think. Good luck!

"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. -Viktor E. Frankl"


Phoenix had made me swear my silence. Her ability was her darkest secret, and even if she needed help, no one in the town could give her any. Sleeping pills never had any effect. Therapy only worsened her nightmares. She wanted to fight her own battles, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it.

     When I awoke the next morning, Phoenix had disappeared and I was still stretched across her bed, covers pulled up to my chin. Even when she had gone through such terrible nightmares, Phoenix still managed to be concerned about my well-being.

     The door swung open as I splashed water on my face to wake up at the sink. Hazen sauntered in, sighing when he saw that I was already awake. “I thought that you’d sleep through breakfast,” he said. I looked at him in the mirror and did a double take. He was wearing one of the black shirts that I had packed for the boys, along with a new pair of jeans. Although it was my dad’s shirt, Hazen managed to fit in it well.

     He doesn’t look half bad, I thought, then ducked my head, dousing my face with more water. “Well, I’m awake now,” I replied. “Have you already eaten?”

     “No, I was waiting for you and August. Remy is out working the fields.” He pressed his palm against my forehead to check my temperature. “Just as I thought,” he mumbled. “You’re completely healed. Man, what I would give to have an ability like yours.”

     I swatted his hand away. “I’m still a little shaky, but other than that, you’re right. I feel fine,” I told him. It was amazing what a little hot chocolate and healing power would do.

     Hazen tossed a wad of clothing at me. “Get dressed,” he ordered. “We need to eat and earn a little cash for supplies.” He left the house, and I slipped on the jeans that he’d given me. There was also a clean brown t-shirt, and a jacket that hung mid-thigh, the sleeves brushing right past my fingertips. Was this his jacket? Mine had been destroyed from the water.

    My boots were still damp, and they smelled horrible, but there wasn’t much that I could do about that. Hazen impatiently knocked on the door. “Hey, Blondie, you done yet?” he called.

     With one last glance in the mirror, I adjusted the rolled up jacket sleeves and nodded. “Yeah, let’s go,” I replied.

     The snow wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been yesterday. Wet patches of ground were scattered throughout the not-quite-melted areas. Sunlight flitted through the tree tops that surrounded the town, and all though it was barely sunrise, the majority of the citizens had already begun work, so the road was relatively clear. Was everyone here a morning person? August sure wasn’t.

     As we walked, Hazen seemed to be drifting between reality and his own thoughts. He stared up at the sky and kicked at the remaining snow, a faint smile on his face. Lately, Hazen had been much too happy for me to feel comfortable. I hadn’t known him that long, but he gave off the ‘bother me and I will hurt you’ vibe. Now that he was lost in his own world and—dare I think it—smiling, I didn’t know what to believe. It wasn’t like he had been an emotionless robot, but still.

     “Hey,” I said, snapping him out of happy-land. “Why have you been so, um, cheerful lately?”

     Hazen looked insulted. “I can smile and still hate working with you,” he grumbled. “Don’t be fooled.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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