Leo mouthed an 'Oh', walking towards the front door with Chiron close behind.

"In that state, any wounds that aren't completely healed, scars included, feel like they're being ripped open once again. Although that doesn't physically happen, the person mentally thinks that it is because the brain doesn't know how to react to such healing medication." Leo's heart sunk, thinking back to what Valentine had told him earlier.

"Does that happen automatically?"

"Not necessarily. Most demigods go into shut down mode and experience it mainly in their dreams." Leo pondered on it for a moment.

"She seemed to be struggling to hold a straight face on our way to the infirmary. She felt stiff and flinched a lot as if it hurt just to move." Chiron let the thought settle for a moment, letting the silence tick on for a few moments.

"Get on."


"Climb on my back."

"Woah, seriously?"

Chiron exhaled deeply, "Yes! Now hurry before I change my mind."

Leo didn't waste a second climbing onto Chiron's white horse flank. The centaur seemed nervous and worried, and his stomping hoof showed that he was eager to get to Valentine. He took off in full gallop, barely giving Leo enough time to hold on. Chiron almost stopped mid-run when a blood-curdling scream sounded from the infirmary. Every hair on the back of Leo's neck stood up, goose bumps running up his arms.

"It must be exactly as I predicted." Chiron said to himself, his pace quickening.

"What? What's as you predicted?" Leo felt nerves churning in his stomach.

"We have no time to explain now, we must hurry." Leo shut his mouth, not daring to say more. Once arriving at the infirmary, Leo slid off Chiron's back and the pair immediately walked through the front door.

Will looked so relieved to see Chiron, "Thank the gods! I have no idea what's happening to her right now." He had been patting her forehead with a wet rag, trying to get her fever down. She was awake now, her eyes frantically moving about the room, and her whole body withering in pain. Valentine was biting her lip so hard, Leo could see it was drawing blood. Chiron was at her side in less than a second.

"Deep breaths Valentine, you're going to be in pain for a while." She opened her mouth to say something, but immediately whimpered and shut it again. "I told you not to overdose on nectar." He scolded lightly, but his tone wasn't angry.

Valentine smiled lightly at him but automatically cringed again. Leo hesitantly stepped forward.

"Is there anything we can do to help her?" His voice sounded quieter than he had originally planned. Chiron grimaced for a second, placing a hand on Valentine's neck to check her pulse.

"Possibly. Will, go grab a few satyrs. I'll see if they can use some healing magic." He closed his eyes, fully concentrated on something that Leo wasn't quite sure of. "Valentine, you can't push yourself like that anymore. You know how much it affects your body."

"I-I didn't t-think it w-would s-still-" She was cut off when she gasped, her back shivering. Chiron soothed her, running a hand through her hair. Leo noticed how much Chiron acted like a father towards her. It wasn't an attribute he had ever really seen the wise old centaur express.

"Especially with the added nectar. By the gods' child, you need to put your life before silly things like my coffee table." He continued to rub her hair, whispering gentle words to her. Leo stood to the side, not really knowing what to do. He still didn't know Valentine that much, and he would feel rude interrupting their moment.

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