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Rãlèk_Om_Nãtìs was one of the guardians. There is a place called "The Saviors Court" where, beings are selected for the protection of each planets from the monstrous shadows and evil beings. Rãlèk was the guardian of earth. He was the guardian of the living side of earth. He was one of the best warriors of the universe but now he had to face bigger challenges as he was now the guardian of planet earth. There was an evil being stronger than any guardian called "Mãhìn" but that changed when Rãlèk became one of the guardians as he was just as stronger as Mãhìn. As both were equally strong Rãlèk was decided to be Earth's living side's guardian as he was the leader of the Earth's spiritual side. Mãhìn tried many times to gain control of the Earth's living side but Rãlèk stopped him every time. Soon Mãhìn got sick of it and absorbed power of every spirit from his side to kill Rãlèk and he succeeded in doing so. But killing Rãlèk wasn't easy, he used every bit of his power and now he was powerless and needed time to regain power. The Saviour's Court put him in prison for his corruptious acts and even they know they couldn't hold him once he gets his power back. And that time will be here sooner that we except. The Earth's Living Side was unsafe and once Mãhìn gets his power back he was going to kill every single human so that the whole earth could be for spirit world. The day was getting closer, the day when the world ends!!
The Saviour's Court prepared a spell and extracted Mãhìn grace from his body and destroyed it. Mãhìn now needed a body, but then again so did Rãlèk because guardian's grace can never be destroyed. Both of the superior beings are waiting for something that is worthy of their grace and can handle its power. Ari was Rãlèk's Friend and she was looking for such being. Mãhìn also had a servant named valyn who was doing same task. Valyn created a potion that could turn a humanly body capable of handling superior being's grace while Ari started reassembling Rãlèk's body but couldn't so she turned him into a baby without any memories or powers but didn't yet gave him grace. She wanted him to develop a little before giving him his grace. Valyn disguised as a human and came on Earth's living side and saw a couple, Ellen and Clark. Ellen was pregnant at that time with her first baby. Valyn followed them to their house and kept observing them for months. When the baby was born, she sneaked in the surgery room and take doctor's form. Valyn made the child drink potion but the child couldn't handle it and passed away. She told the parents that something was wrong with their child that's why he couldn't survive. Valyn went back and kept working on his potion and she finally made the perfect portion with everything right. She went back to the Living side of earth and find out that ellen and clark were trying again. So she thought that she could sell it to them, they must be desperate for a child and when their baby is born, i will take it from them. At first, she tried to sell it to clark but he rejected her offer. Then she went to the her wife and she was so desperate that she believed her and drank the potion even after valyn warned her that she had to pay for it in the future. She only listened that she could have a child. Eventually a child was born and they named him harry. All three of them were living happy together but only for a year. Valyn returned and told them that she was here to take what belongs to her. Clark was so disappointed and pissed when he found out about it. Valyn took their child by force and left. Clark tried to fight and Valyn was way too strong for him. Valyn left with the child. Ari when find out about all of this she gave the baby she made to them but told them there will be a day when we will need him. He is gonna save this world. He is Rãlèkh_Om_Nãtìs........."RON"
Both Clark and Ellen didn't understand at all what was happening but Ari helped them and told about everything. Ari said,
"I am a warrior and i can teach him how to fight but i cant teach him how to love, to care about others and to sacrifice for the greater good"
This kid will need me later but now he needs you. Rãlèk or Ron will be the first guardian who'll be half human might not be physically but spiritually!!!
Both of them loved ron and teach him about importance of humanity, love and sacrificing for greater good untill their accident. Now Ari has been sending him letters and she recently sent ron a letter about a place where she is staying so that he could come and meet him. And so she could tell ron about who he is and what is his purpose.

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