“She has invited you to visit her.”

Sophie pressed her lips. The threat was becoming real. “Why?”

“Oh, nothing to be afraid of.” Suffle said avoiding her eyes. “You know how queens and empresses get bored easily. They need entertainment.”

“So I’m entertainment?” Sophie was hurt.

“Making the empress’s acquaintance will be good for you.” Suffle ordered.

“I don’t want to,” Sophie said pinching her nose.

“Are you afraid of her or something?” He frowned.

“You know I never lie,” Sophie said. “I expect the same from you.”

Suffle crossed his hands. “I’m not lying. The empress wants to meet you because she is bored.”

“And?” Sophie did not falter her gaze from his face.

“And what?”

“What will she do with me?”

“She is not going to eat you.” He shook his head and sighed. “She’ll talk to you and maybe play a game of nisiman with you. I told you we were playing nisiman.” The king was irritated now. Natasha had owned him at nisiman.

Sophie knew that not going would be better for her. If the prince had warned her, it was for her own well-being. But curiosity got the better of her and she said, “Okay. I’ll go.”

“Good,” Suffled said with a reassuring smile, “Tomorrow at noon.”

“The royalty should remember that the gentry have work to do,” Sophie commented.

“She is your employer. Tell this to her tomorrow when you meet her.”

"I doubt that I will."

Suffle chuckled. "And how is your guardianship going?”

“Can’t complain.”

“You are in good company,” Suffle said.

“That I am. There are the weekly meetings, the captains and troops are good. No major problem so far with the nymphs either.”

“I'm glad to know that you are happy."

Sophie was curious and cautious about her meeting with the empress. She spent her morning wondering about the plot against her, as the prince had put it.
The prince at the time was approached by his mother, “I haven’t seen any of your new painting in months.” The castle walls were filled with Neal's artwork and Natasha was used to see a new piece pop up every few weeks.

“I have not been getting time to paint,” he lied with a smile on his face. “With the upcoming tournament and its preparations.” Landscapes were made to be displayed, but not the portraits that he had made during the past months.

“You reek of paint,” she said, “as always.”

“Looks like I need to invest in some perfume,” he said tersely. "It won't be proper if our guests find me smelly.”

Natasha understood the jab he had made regarding Princess Marya, but she let it go. It was a habit of Neal to torment his mother as much as possible. And it was to his credit that he did it while playing the part of the happy and charming prince that he was supposed to be by the public.

He had made a shield around his heart and his life and noone was allowed inside. He was always alone, always free. No servants were allowed to surround him, they all did their jobs and left. But the most important function of his shield was to keep Natasha out. She was the one who had hurt him most. No matter how hard she tried or what weapons she used, the shield remained impenetrable.

Impossible to Love (Book 1 of The Starlite Heart)Where stories live. Discover now