Chapter Forty Six, Part One: Redemption

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Chapter Forty Six, Part One: Redemption

The calmness that had washed over them was broken by Lanta quietly cursing, her face grim, twisted in a frown. Her brows were furrowed as she drew closer to them.

"I hate to interrupt your reunion, but I dont think the Ran will make it back to the Suzeren." She said, voice strained and mildy tired. She held Kain by the back of his neck. Reminding Ashra of an owner holding a disobedient cat as she scolded it. Kains eyes were downcast as he stared fixedly down at the floor, still in a complete state of devastation.

Itys trembled, still holding Noam's head in his lap. Ashra hadn't thought it possible, but he instantly went three shades paler, looking as he if too was near death.

Dis... no, Hassin nodded, agreeing silently as he squeezed Ashra's hand.

"That throws a wrench in our plan. Io, can you call for the Dama to come to us and ask for them to send some medic?" Dis asked after a moment.

Io did so as quickly as she could.

"Umm...What...should we do now?" She asked, voice asked timid but concerned. "I mean, wasn't our plan to arrive without getting caught?" She gestured at Kain. "He'd probably already informed the Tower he's caught you."

It dawned on them all simultaneously that Io was right as Kain twitched guilty.

Ashra sighed. "Knowing him, she's definently right." Like Lanta, Dis' brows furrowed and he put his free hand to his chin.

"I doubt the original plan is possible at this point."

After a minute of deep thought, something glinted in his eyes and he let go of Ashra's hand. He gave her a gentle smile and strode towards Kain. The gentleness transformed into a wicked grin. Ashra said nothing, watching unsure about what he was doing, but trusting him.

Hassin motioned for Lanta to let go of Kain. Confused and looking to Ashra for a moment, nodded and did so.

Kain withered under the gaze of everyone but Hassin extended his hand, palm up.

"Give me your hand."

The room went deathly silent. Confusion erupted and bloomed on everyone's faces.

Hassin smile transformed into annoyed thin line when Kain refused to move, his expression that of Dis when he teased Ashra.

She quietly snorted, suddenly understanding what he was doing.

Once again he spoke, his tone demanding and icy.

"Give.. or I will rip your arm off."

Kain finally looked up, a small fire burning in his eyes and extended his hand. Hassin took it and pulled the boy close to him in a warm embrace. The whole room watched with bated breaths and confused expressions. Io looked to Ashra, a silent question on her lips. Ashra just smiled and looked on.

"They made you do horrible, horrible things.." Hassin spoke with a softness none of them were prepared for, and he tenderly held the young boy in his arms, his embrace tight. Kain slumped against Hassin.

"Big...big brother. Destroy me." Kain's voice was small, a stark contrast to the him of before. It was as if he'd regained his innocence.

Hassin shook his head. "I cannot." He released Kain slightly and beckoned to Ashra.

"Kain," Ashra began "if we destroy you, they'll only send you again, but next time you wont remember the truth."


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