Hunger Games- Sorta Part 1

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A/N: Greetings Creampuffs! I've returned. School's out which means I have a bunch more time to write! I mean anything to get out of thinking about going to see people who don't like me during Christmas time XD I'm not going to lie, I had difficulty coming up with ideas for this prompt, as the next few prompts I have lined up are all one sentence long dialogue prompts. But, I know what I'm going to do now! Aaaaaaand this one is going to be a two-parter! albeit the next part will be released a little bit farther down the track. I hope that for those of you who are still following this book, that this isn't completely shit and that it's a nice way to get back into the swing of things. Enjoy! 

PROMPT: "Listen to me. Don't do it." [A/N: I'm thinking that for the dialogue prompts that I'll put them at the beginning of each chapter? I don't know, let me know what you guys think :)]

Laura, Carmilla, Danny, Mel, Kirsch, Laf and Perry gather in the Hollis-Karnstein apartment for a game night. Twister, monopoly, several Nintendo Switch and PS4 games...and Uno await. It's all fun and games for everyone until that last game in which all hell breaks loose with the move that no one suspects...

"Right foot on yellow!" Came the instruction from Danny, who at this point of the twister match was the only person who could reach the spinner. 

Laura, Danny, Kirsch and Laf were playing Twister while Carmilla, Mel and Perry sat out, each with different levels of amusement (or fear, in Perry's case) showing on their faces as they observed the game, sipping from their drinks as they did so. 

Laura groans. "Oh come on! My tiny body can't handle this game!" You could hear the struggle in her voice as she spoke, trying as hard as she could to reach the closet yellow dot. Kirsch and Danny had already accomplished this with ease, Laf was struggling but they were making less of a show of it. 

Carmilla chuckled. "You're the one who suggested this game, cutie." 

Laura merely huffed in response. 

"Go Laura!" "You can do it little hottie!" "Try not do die girl scout." "I'm going to be supportive because I'm obligated to, you go do the thing cupcake." "If you're not careful honey you're going to hurt yourself!!" Perry fretted, clenching and unclenching her fists before grabbing her champagne flute and finishing it off, clearly needing to be drunk in order to deal with her datemate's antics. 

Laura took on her encouragement and stretched as far as she could to reach the closest yellow dot.

And proceeded to collapse on top of Laf and kick Kirsch in the face. 

"Owwwwwwwwwwww! My face hurts!" Krisch whined, Laf just grunted while Laura threw apology after apology.

Perry practically screamed and ran to check of Laf and Kirsch. Mel, Carmilla and Danny just laughed.

After everything settled down Laura apologised once more. "I really am sorry guys, I didn't think I would hurt anyone." Everyone accepted her apology again, which caused Laura to beam a grateful smile. "How about something a little less likely to cause injury. Like Monopoly?" 

Kirsch cowered at the suggestion. "Last time I played monopoly with D-Bear she threw the board at my face." 

Danny shrugged. "He bought the only property that I actually wanted. I would've had the whole green set!" 

Laura nodded, as if understanding the pain. "It'll be okay Kirsch. There are more of us playing this time so you'll be less likely to get a board thrown at your face. I'll go get my Doctor Who Monopoly!" Laura announces excitedly as she runs off to grab the game. 

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