Harry's standing in his kitchen gracefully making a pot of tea and looking like a god. Who knew someone could look so amazing while dipping a tea packet into water. I sit swinging my legs front and back on his black barstool at the bar, watching him. "Here B" he hands me a little white teacup on a saucer. "Thanks Styles" I take it from him and bringing it to my lips I take a sip, the warmness running over my taste buds and down my throat. Harry smiles at me before setting his lips into a hard line and leaving the room, going through a white door across the way. Hm weird.... He comes back a moment later with a black pair of sweats in his hands. "Here's a jumper" he puts it into my hands and pressses his moist lips to my forehead. I don't ever think I could get used to the feeling of his lips on me. Getting up from the stool I peck the corner of his lips and make my way toward his bedroom, shutting the door behind me. His bedroom is quite boyish but elegant at the same time. There are beige walls decorated with black and white photographs. His bed is a dark navy with brown throw pillows. I set myself onto his bed and one by one I slide off my shoes that have been squeezing my feet for the past couple of hours. I rub and massage them both before placing them on the hard wood floor and standing to get myself out of this dress. Reaching behind myself to the top of the zipper I pull it downward and it gets stuck. Ugh of course. "Styles" I giggle a bit and now he stands in the doorway. "You rang" he eyes me, I nervously bite my bottom lip. "Uh my dress is stuck" I say before turning to show him which brings a raised brow and sexy smirk to his ever so perfect face. He prowls toward me and turns me so that my back is toward him as he slowly pulls the zipper down to its maxium, he's fingers gently brushing down my back. His hands leave my lower back and travel up to my collarbones, his lips placing themselves gently on my shoulder. From my shoulder, to my neck, to  underneath my ear. He leaves tingles everywhere he goes, following with a needing and wanting urge in me. I turn to face him, letting the dress fall to the floor, revealing me in my matching lacy red bra and panties. He purses his lips as he inspects me, leaving me quite self consious until he pounces at me, pushing me down into his navy comforter. I search his bright green irises that are full of lust and even love, pouring into my own. He trails kisses from my lips, to my neck, to the crease of my breast and back up. For the sake of all that is holy Harry, what are you doing to me? I knot my hands in his hair, pulling him by his curls into me as his more than large hands cup my face and neck. "Harry" i lean my head back as he continues his torturous kisses all over my needing body. He stops and stares down at me as he balances on his arms above me. "I love you, you know that Blythe" Harry stares into my eyes and melts my heart once again. "I love you too Harry" I take control and pull him down into me, taking over completely. I flip him onto his back and sit on him, straddling him with my legs. He watches me as I unbuckle his belt and toss it to the wood floors, hitting with a loud thud. He pulls off his shirt to reveal sculpted abs and four nipples, how cute. He reaches up and skims his lips and teeth over my collarbone, putting me into a frenzy. His skillfull hands reach behind me and he unclasps my bra with one hand, quite impressive this boy is. Sliding him out of his chinos, he suddenly pulls me under the covers, I guess you all can figure out what happens next. Passion and LOVE. 

Harry's POV:

I lie here awake staring at the angel sleeping in my arms next to me. She's cocooned into me, little spoon if you will, my navy sheets wrapped around her tightly. The day is clearly visible through my curtains, but I never want to leave this moment here with her. Last night was incredible to say the least, I've officially fallen for the girl next door. She stirs and I peak to see a closed smile formed on her pink lips, her eyelashes fluttering slightly, and loose strands of mahogony colored hair falling every which way. I press my lips to her cheek and tuck the covers in around her, slipping out of bed and over to my dresser. I pull on a jumper, leaving my chest bare and starting for the kitchen. I guess I'm a bit exhausted after last night, I need my willpower back. Cracking a few eggs into a glass bowl , I whip them and pour them into the frying pan and roast a cup of coffee, tea isn't strong enough. I stir together my homemade pancake batter and make a mountain of cakes with maple syrup. Bacon strips and fresh cut strawberries to accompany this lovely breakfast I've made. Once I've finished setting everything in the breakfast nook, I turn to see her standing in my doorway, head cocked and in the jumper she was meant to wear last night. "Morning love, I made breakast" trapsing over to her I set my lips onto hers, a smile playing on my lips. "This is lovely, thank you" she says taking her seat and placing her napking into her lap. 

Over breakfast we talk and laugh until my phone buzzes on the counter. "Ello?" I answer. "Harry, it's Ted. Come down to my office immediately, it's important." Ted says urgently before cutting the call, leaving me worried. Blythe watches me intently, concern etched into her creased brow. "Something wrong?" she takes a bite of her pancakes. "That was Ted, I've got to go into the office but I'll be back later. I'm taking you out" I smile and head for my bedroom. I come out freshly showered and in jeans, a white v neck, black overcoat, black boots and curly messy hair. Blythe rinses of the messy dishes in the sink and smiles once she see's me. "You look dapper" she giggles and places the plates in the sink. "You didn't have to do that" I say waving my hand toward the sink. "Oh please, my pleasure darling" she fixes the collar on my coat. "I'll be back later, I love you" I kiss her. "I love you too" she kisses me again and sets off for the shower I assume since she is already pulling off my jumper before she's even in the bedroom. That girl, such sex appeal she has and she barely has to try. 

Pulling up to the studio, fans rave and scream at me as I get out of my Audi. I stop and take a few pictures before entering through the glass doors. "Mr. Styles" a red headed girl with freckles smiles at me. "Cynthia" I nod and go towards Ted's office. Inside his office sits all the lads in the black leather chairs and Ted at his desk. Niall is muching on a bag of chips, Louis and Liam are fiddling with their phones, and Zayn is flipping through a mag. They all look up as if rehearsed, "Hazz" they chorus. "Harry" Ted smiles and I sit down in the remaining seat. "Exciting news" he claps his hands together and leans forward toward us. "We've scheduled a World Tour" he smiles and sets his hands down on the desk excitingly. "That's great, when do we leave?" Louis asks. "Tomorrow" Ted says and my world stops. "Tomorrow?" I murmur in utter shock. "Something wrong?" Ted blinks rapidly at me. "Erm no, that's great" I lie. "It's going to be fantastic, we start in Ireland. It's a year long tour" he shoots a look at Niall. "Sweet" he says mouthful of chips. I feel the need to run into a corner and hide from this. One whole year on tour? What about Blythe, what about us? I'm devestated, she's going to be devestated. I love her, what am I going to do? 

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