Chapter Five

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Blythe's POV:

I moan, the trecherous headache pounds over and over again. Not only did I have too much to drink last night but I cried myself to sleep, I'm exhausted. I force myself to get up and close the curtains that reveal the day, I wan't to be alone in the dark. I slump into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, cheeks stained with last nights fallen tears, mascara lines and racoon eyes, hair all over the place, basically just a mess. Grabbing the advil bottle from the cabinet, I pop two into my mouth and use my hand as a make shift cup to wash them down. Images from the night before flash in and out of my crowded head, giving me unwelcome memories of the curly headed boy, the asshole who did this to me. I managed to get myself into sweats last night between my whailing cries, my aunt rocked me to sleep but I assume she's gone to work. It's noon and I slept about 9 hours but all I want is to go back to sleep and hide from reality. Pull yourself together Blythe, you can't turn into a hermit now. I take a steaming hot shower, standing under the water long after I'm washed to try and relax. Afterwards, I dry my hair with the dryer so it falls straight and full down my chest. I apply natural makeup with the exception of mascara and eyeliner. If there is one thing I know, it's how to pull myself together and hide my feelings behind a mask. Before getting dressed I go into the kitchen and sit a my laptop with my 'I *heart* NYC' coffee mug in hand, sipping on the vanilla hazelnut deliciousness that warms my mouth. Logging into Twitter I scan over the usual and I almost spit my coffee everywhere seeing that I've gained thousands of followers. I skim over mentions that include mainly death threats but some nice comments. What is going on? Then I see the pictures.. There Harry and I are, shopping, running to his car, exiting his car, walking up to our complex, sitting together at the show, and him and I at the club. Fantastic, just what I need! How could we be so careless out in public together?I should've known that we would get caught! Shoving my face into my hands, I massage my irritated temples and take deep breaths while assessing the situation at hand. I started googling it, only to find a big headline "HARRY STYLES FAKE DATING MYSTERY BRUNETTE" You've got to be kidding me! Anger surges through me as a dart into my bedroom to get dressed. I slide into my magenta skinnies and ankle cut black suede booties. A thick gray sweater over my shoulders with gold cuffs and a black handbag with all of my crap in it. I'm meeting my friend Josephine, or Joey for short, today over lunch. She's on vacation here for a bit and I really wanted to see her, it'll be nice to talk to someone from home. I hide my eyes with my RayBans and lock the door behind me. I walk quickly down the hallway, rushing past he who shall not be named's door and into the elevator. Waiting for it, I tap my foot anxiously glancing back to make sure he's not coming. It dings and I take a step toward but someone is coming out, it's Niall Horan. "Blythe right?" his thick Irish accent is sweet and calming. "Yeah, how's it going?" he steps out of my way and I step in. "I'm well, going to see Harry. You coming?" he smiles. "I can't" and with that the door slides in between us, keeping me safe from that dimpled boy. It's cold and gray outside, nothing new for London. It's a beauitful place but the weather is crap. I can see every breath I take in the bitter freezing air. My teeth chatter and I'm hugging myself as I walk to the nearby Italian cafe. "Joey!" I see her short blonde bob and big brown eyes sitting at a small round table set for two. "B, I missed you" I embrace her tightly. "Missed you too" we sit across from each other, I examine how much she's changed since I've last seen her. Her hair is slightly shorter and she wears makeup now, she never did back when I lived in the states. "Good afternoon, what can I get for you ladies" a skinny short man asks with his pad and pen. "Uh caprese salad with a water please" I close my menu and hand it to him. "Penne al la vodka with a diet coke" Joey hands him hers and we start to talk. "So Drew and I broke up about two weeks ago, 3 years obviously meant nothing to him" Joey's expression changes from giddy to sad. "I'm sorry Joey, you deserve better" I give her my sweet apologetic smile. Our lunch comes and we eat, chatting between bites about back home, my old friends, family, everyone that I miss dearly. After she takes a spoonful of pasta into her mouth she asks "So you and Harry Styles huh?" she smirks. What? "What, no? What are you talking about?" I almost tip over my water. "It's all over the internet B" she looks confused and she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her pierced ear. "Well-" I start and then I tell her the whole situation, detail by detail. She lingers on every word and I find myself upset when I finish up my story. "Enough with this sad talk, let's go out tonight around London" Joey smiles her immaculate white smile. I nod and once we've paid for lunch we go our seperate ways. She's coming to my place around 8pm so we can go out. Once back at my apartment, it's 4pm and I'm overly exhausted. I sit on the couch and hug a plush pillow to my chest wishing it were Harry. Wait, no I don't wish that. I make myself a cup of tea and sit watching Fashion Police on the tv. I start to doze off but right when I'm at the point of sleep, there's a knock at my door. What the actual hell! 

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