Chapter Two

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Blythe's POV:

An almost immediate heartattack wakes me from my peaceful sleep. My ears adjusting to the screaming, "Blythe get up, you're late!" my Aunt is yelling and shaking me awake. Slowly, I sit myself up and start stretching every inch of my body. Blinking, I check the time, 8:01am. CRAP, I have to be to work by 8:30!! Throwing the covers off of me and making a dead bolt for the bathroom, proceeding to scrub my teeth and apply makeup to my tired and not awoken skin. No time to do my hair, so my gentle hands twist the brown pieces, putting a neat and pretty bun up at the top of my head. My closet screaming of clothes, swiftly pulling on the first thing my eyes saw. A pair of dark skinny jeans fitting perfectly to my legs and a black and white striped long sleeve covering my upper half. Shoving my feet into dark gray booties and putting a tan coat with a darker collar over my shoulders, my purse in hand and covering my eyes with my aviators. Not too shabby for 20 minutes. "Bye Auntie!" my lungs screaming, accidentally slammming the door behind me. Speed walking down the hall, passing 12A and heading for the elevator I kept hitting the button until it appeared. Once on the streets, determination to not making any stops until I got to work. At 8:31 I was entering the doors of work and making my way to my desk. "Morning B" Ally says making her way toward me with a cup of coffee in hand. A long sigh escaping me as she hands me the hot cup. "Thanks Ally, I woke up late" I reply while peeling off my coat and hanging it in the coat closet. "Do you want to go out for lunch today, Alexa said we could" she smiles in a pleading way. "Sure Ally, come get me when you want to go" I reply and scramble through my purse for my phone. Oh God, where is it? Then I remember that I left it on my nightstand at home, great!  This day was going to treacherous, I can already tell. 

Lunch time finally comes at 1:00pm when I arrived back at work after running tons of errands. "Let's go" Ally pulls me along to the exit. 'Where are we going?" trying to catch my breath, I was managing to get some words out. She didn't respond, just kept pulling me along. We were finally stopping and I was yanked inside of Nando's. always been one of my favorite restaurants. The hostess seats us at a table for two and hands us two menus. We enjoy peri peri chicken and talk about things, me telling her how I met Harry and how he's my neighbor. She's a huge fan so she fangirled the entire conversation. Swallowing my last bit of chicken, I was interupted ever so rudly by loud and obnoxious laughs. My eyes making their way to the entrance where I see him, the same curly headed boy that I'd see yesterday with his band. Snapping my head around and putting it into my hands, attempting to hide my face, the laughing stops and I peak my eyes out to see Ally freaking out and them being seated two tables away from us. I couldn't help looking at him, that's when he caught me and a huge grin capturing his face. Why do I keep seeing him?

Harry's POV:

I was studying the menu and then my eyes were wandering around the restaurant and saw her. She looks so beautiful, her hair is tied up and I can see her pretty face. Making eye contact with her, a big grin crept it's way to my face completely outing me. "Mate what's up" Lou says looking at me confused. "It's Blythe" my eyes refuse to leave hers. "Go on and talk to her lad, she's a babe" Niall nudges me. Courage and my flirtacious self convince me to go talk to her. I make my way over to her and her friend, I assume. Reaching her table, her long lashes blink up at me revealing her bright green eyes. "Hi Blythe" I flash my million dollar smile and look over at her friend who looks like she's about to scream. "Hello Harry, this is my friend Ally" she introduces us and I shake her hand gently. Ally is pretty too, her medium blonde curls spiral around her face and her big blue eyes stare at me intently. She and Niall would be a good pair, I think. "Hi Ally, I'm Harry" her cheeks turn scarlet as she smiles. "Well we were just leaving, nice to see you" Blythe breaks the gaze and gathers her things and stands up. She's small, even in heels which I like. She doesn't seem to want to give me the time of day. Nervous, I shove my hands in my pockets and nod my head as she leaves. Ally glances at me once more before exiting, a giggle escaping her lips. This shouldn't be as hard as it is, I need to know her. I plop down in my chair, disappointed and have lunch with my closest lads, scheming a plan to see her again. 

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