Search continues in the city

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It's been about 3 years since they've left their home for Academy City and after a long time searching they've finally found it, Academy City but what is really waiting for them? A friend or a foe?

Police officer 1:I think the Intruders went this way!

Police officer 3:No they went back here! This way!

Police officer 4:They couldn't have gotten too far men!

Police officer 2:Let's continue searching men!

??:They should have taken the bait by now, let's go.

??:Big brother I'm scared are you sure that we'll find him?

??:Yes misaka we'll find him soon okay it'll be alright so don't worry I'll protect you, let's keep moving.

Two weeks later...
??:They should have taken the bait by now, let's go.

??:Big brother I'm scared are you sure that we'll find him?

??:Yes misaka we'll find him soon okay it'll be alright so don't worry I'll protect you, let's keep moving.

Two weeks later...

Accelerator: *sigh*We're almost there.. I can see the tower from here, I can only guess that by the time we get there it'll be two or three weeks at most but if we leave now we can get there in half a week so what do you say misaka? Ah misaka? Misaka are you still in there?

Misaka:Haha this is fun!-in the tub-

Accelerator:Hey! Would you cut it out already!

Misaka:Would you just learn to live a little, come on this is fun!

Accelerator:Well I'm sorry but there isn't enough time for that, I'm trying to get us save!

Misaka:*Sigh*I know that for the hundred time, but is it wrong to have fun?

Accelerator:No but at a time like this we have to get somewhere were we can be safe but until then we have to stay down and not to get distracted okay why can't you understand that?

Misaka:Yes I do understand but still, we can't just worry about just the government or how to be safe we're still human aren't we?

Accelerator:Yes but they don't, in their eyes we're only weapons *sigh* I'm done explaining this to you, your the only family I've got left in the world Misaka don't you get that!? If something were to happen to you, I couldn't live with myself!

Misaka:*sigh*But don't you see that I feel the same about you my brother but your right there's no more point in saying anymore but I still want to live my life as I choose so tomorrow morning should we leave?

Accelerator:Yes but I think we should go now.


Accelerator:Look down there, they're are men in black at the entrance.

Misaka:But how did they find us here so fast?

Accelerator:It was probably the people here who must have told them but with any case let's get moving.


Two weeks later...

- guards everywhere-

Accelerator:*whisper*Okay Misaka we're here but we've got to get around these guards without being seen.

Misaka:*whisper*Yea leave it to me, I got a great idea but first we should...

Accelerator:Wait Misaka who is that??

Misaka:A women?

Guard 1:You there women! How did you....?

Women:Aw man! What a bother, hey fellows bet you can't catch me if you can! (Starts to run)

Guard 3:Why you...!

Guard 2:You fools! Go after her, that's an order we cannot let her escape!!!

Guard 1:Yea no is allowed to leave the Doctor's Lab!

Rest of the Guards:Oh ah! Yes sir!!! (Starts to run)

Misaka:Ah what was that?

Accelerator:Your guess beats me, but anyway​we can get to the Doctor's Lab let's go.


Accelerator:Doctor Fears please let us in! It's Mr and Miss Kamijou children! We need your help! Please let us in!!

Misaka:Yes! Please help us sir, we aren't the enemy! We can prove it to you see!?

-Shows letter-

Misaka:Ah! Thank you so much sir, let's go Accelerator. -takes his hand-


Misaka:You must be Doctor Fears? Thank you for letting us in.

Doctor Fears:No the pleasure is all mine, I'm just glad that you guys just made if here unharmed.

Accelerator:Well it was a bumpy ride but we're here.

???:So you two are the kids that the old man's been talkin' about?

Accelerator:And who are you?

Misaka:Ah Accelerator, I think that's the lady from earlier.

Women:Yea the name's Lucy nice to me ya.

Doctor Fears:Yes She is my assistant. Well Lucy would you please show these two around the place for me.

Lucy:Again with more work old man!? Ya lucky that I'm so kind and generous.

Doctor Fears:(whisper) More like scary than kind and generous.

Doctor Fears:(on the phone) Yes? Yes their here. Yes. Yes I understand. Good bye.

Lucy:So you told them?

Doctor Fears:Yes so all we have to do now is wait.

Lucy:Do you believe that we're doing the wrong thing... Dad? They're just kids after all.

Doctor Fears:We have no choose, we have to get your mother and brother back, and if I have to betray my own best friend by giving them to the government then so be it.


-Looks at old picture-

Doctor Fears:I'm so sorry Touma, Misaka.. But I don't have a choose, please forgive me for my sins in which I have inflict a upon you: my two  closest friends and your children but I have to save my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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