After all, Bakugou would get mad at you. It was still unknown to you if he was dead or alive, however something told you that he was still roaming this earth despite the moment he told you the uncomfortable truth, the first time you both reunited.

' "Oh [Y/N], Kacchan died days ago." '

His words seemed like it was only yesterday. The way it always scratched through the depths of your heart and to the surface, it was all too much. As you began to digress, you shook your head to return yourself to the current topic. "H-Hm?"

"I'm came back to me."

Midoriya stated, gripping the blankets over him tightly. "I was really scared... I thought you'd run away.." His eyes had that afraid look in them, despite their lost glister.

You steadied yourself, careful to not let his words affect you in anyway. Although it pained you, you needed to realize that Midoriya's a murderer, and this is not a love story. As your previous thoughts had anguished, a forced smile graced your features.

"You're welcome, Izuku." You then stood up. "I'm going to the restroom, I'll be right back." The male nodded in response, eyeing your hand skeptically as he spotted your device clenched tightly in your palm.

You the door slowly behind you, and pressed your back against it. You extracted your phone carefully, and discreetly clicked on Kyota's contact. Your fingers lightly tapped the screen, forming a short message.


Did you get into contact with Todoroki yet?<

It hadn't took long for the male to reply, reassuring you by what he replied with.

>I did. I got his number too, so is our plan a go?

Thank God you did!! Also yes, but I just... don't know what to do.<

>Well, I suppose we could always create one. I'll invite Todoroki so we could text in a group chat.


>And that boy... are you sure he's not spying on you right now?

Your eyes widened and your heart had nearly dropped out of your chest. With a contemplative demeanor, you leaned away from the wood and stared aimlessly towards the door, considering opening it.

Eventually your hand stretched and landed against the knob, bracing yourself with one tug. "..." To your surprise, you noticed the boy on the couch, turned away from your view.

You sighed in relief, before closing the door once more in order to reply.

Nope, Izuku's sick so he's been resting on the couch all day.<

>Oh, I see.

As time went on, Todoroki eventually joined. You held a casual chat with him, up until Kyota intervened. He made the two of you fixate on building up a plan, and so you dropped the friendly texts and went on concentrating.

You spent several minutes in the bathroom, hoping frantically that Midoriya wouldn't have mind. You thought that he'd gone back to sleep by now, so you didn't have anything to be concerned about.

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Vol. 2!]Where stories live. Discover now