( Unwisely )

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After taking care of Midoriya for a little while longer, you decided that he should rest for a bit as you went to make him some warm soup.

You could hear Midoriya vividly coughing in the background, and had felt sorry for him. 'He was all about keeping me healthy, and yet he's caught a fever before I could..' You then sighed at your miserable life, and proceeded to search for the can opener.

And as you did so, you were beginning to think you did develop a mind-illness;

Stockholm Syndrome.

You knew that you were quick to deny it, however it wasn't any option in the matter.

It was a fact.

After all, you've been with Midoriya for at least four years now, it would be exceedingly hard for you not to admit affection towards the boy.
He was your friend.
But also your stalker.

You reached for the can opener as well as the soup itself, and began to go into work while still thinking about recent happenings.

How hard can getting over Stockholm Syndrome be?

'So.. Todoroki could possibly help me, and I know Kyota would too.' You peered over at Midoriya. 'I should ask Kyota to get me Todoroki's phone number, hopefully then I could make some arrangements for my rescue...'

You cranked up the heat slowly, while pouring the liquid into the pot resting on the stove. And after adding a bit more water, you began to stir.

'Yeah, this might work! Needs a little bit of convincing, but it'll work!'

You walked back towards Midoriya and shuffled your gaze toward the table, and realized nothing laid on the surface. Your heart immediately dropped and you scattered your hands around your body, searching for your celluar device.

'Th-This is bad!! Where'd I put it?! Did I drop it on the way there? Or is it the other way around??' That beating heart of you now began to run on a treadmill nervously, and you slowly began to lose hope in yourself.

'Just my luck.. I don't have any!'

As you sulked, you heard Midoriya sit up slowly. Protesting about his actions would be to no avail, seeing how persistent he gets when it comes down to you. The boy with freckles lifted his unhappy eyes up towards you, and lowered your phone from his eyes.

"Oh, sorry [Y/N]. I was just checking for the time.. But I noticed a text came from an number I haven't seen before. Who is it?" He asked you in a low tone, his fever may have already reduced itself even if it's been a few minutes.

You gulped and the intoxicating air full of dread made your thoughts clash. It was heavy, and so was your body. Recollecting yourself, your eyes stared into his confidently. "It's.. probably some spammer...!"

The other exchanged glances, his eyes toiling with persuasion. As Midoriya placed his hand against his forehead, his aura compressed. He laid back down, clearly feeling demented. "I guess you're right..." He replied, allowing you to take your device from his hand.

You frantically nodded, your nervousness vanishing into thin air.

Midoriya shifted to his side, staring at you with a small smile which admittedly; didn't come into comparison with those dull emerald hues. "Hey, [Y/N]..."

You looked up, caught adrift by his sudden attitude. You pursed your lips, making a promise that you'd never break.

Do not fall in love with Izuku Midoriya.

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Vol. 2!]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant