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johnny had parked in mackenzies driveway. the whole car ride had been silent. "i- you obviously want to know about avery."

mackenzies voice was quiet. "i do."

"i'll tell you anything you want to know. but i- i want to know about your past too."

"okay. that's fair." mackenzie nodded.

johnny sighed, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaning back. "avery is the daughter of one of my parents closest friends. her family donated generous amounts of money to my parents business, and because of their friendship, when i was almost fifteen, i was pushed into a relationship with her by my parents. i'd- i'd messed around with girls before, but avery was my first in all the ways that counted. she wasn't my first kiss but she was the first girl i made out with and the first girl i had sex with. unknown to our parents, that's all our relationship was. it was purely friends with benefits. being with avery... we taught each other all we know. nowadays she's a scheming bitch, but i promise you kenz, she was nothing like that back then. she used to be nice, and i used to look forward to seeing her. even though we weren't properly dating, i was upset when we ended things. at age sixteen, from then on, i decided i'd just be a player, and i'd be the one who broke up with girls. because i didn't like the way avery made me feel, because it was easier for me not to get hurt that way. and here we are. enter current day johnny, almost nineteen and never been in a stable relationship because he's too afraid to get himself hurt again." johnny's leg was bouncing up and down in nervousness. he didn't know what mackenzie would think of him. to his immense surprise, she reached over to hold his hand.

"that makes sense. i believe you." she said.

johnny let out a breath, closing his eyes in relief. "what did she say to you. in the shop."

"she- she said that you don't do relationships. and that she kept you satisfied. and that you treated her well."

johnny groaned. "i'm so sorry you had to hear that. i told you, she's a bitch. if i saw her today, i seriously think i would run away."

mackenzie giggled. "but i- um, do you-" she couldn't find the words. johnny seemed to understand her.

"no. i don't normally do relationships. but you- you make me want to try. and to be honest, this feels like a relationship. i think we skipped the friends part." johnny broke out into a smile.

"so..." mackenzie prompted, smiling and looking over at their linked hands expectantly.

"do you want to be my girlfriend?" johnny asked her.

she nodded, grinning widely, "i'd like that." the smile wouldn't get off her face.

johnny toyed with her fingers. "mackenzie ziegler is my girlfriend. i'm mackenzie zieglers boyfriend. huh. never thought i'd get to say that."

mackenzie giggled. "i'm honoured to be your first girlfriend."

johnny laughed back at her. "i'm honoured to be the best boyfriend you've ever had. because i know you've actually dated."

mackenzie wrinkled her nose. "i've only dated two boys. and they weren't that special. i dated ashton ararb at age fourteen, and i don't think i liked him, really. i think i just liked the way he made me feel. in the end, my mom made me break up with him, because he was a bad influence. i didn't care. it took me all of two days to get over him."

johnny laughed. "you were savage back then too. were there any others?"

"sage rosen. we were okay. i liked him. but he was too pure. too good. i want someone to be serious with, but like i can also have fun with them. like you, duh."

johnny laughed. "and by having fun with them, you mean giving them a handjob in public changing rooms and having a fucking orgasm on a playground."

mackenzie blushed, but still laughed. "avery also said one more thing."

johnny twisted his lips. "this can't be good."

"she said she'd tell dale she saw me. she thinks dale has met me. is dale your dad?"

johnny cursed, laughing. "yes. he is. and he's cool. he'll be proud of me for landing such an awesome girlfriend, promise. don't worry. i'll take care of it."

"okay." mackenzie sighed. "i know i said i'd invite you in, but i need to talk to my sister. is that okay?"

johnny smiled. "it's okay. i should probably talk to my dad before avery does anyway."

"okay." mackenzie leant forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting go of his hand. "bye, i love you."

they both froze. mackenzie turned back around. her cheeks were red. "i'm sorry. it's an automatic response, i-"

johnny's stomach rolled with nerves. "it's okay. i love you too."

mackenzies face lit up like the christmas lights strung in the driveway. "you do?"

"i do." johnny confirmed, embarrassed.

this time mackenzie leaned forward to press a kiss to johnny's lips. they lost themselves in eachother. they were kissing wildly, blindly.

johnny pulled away finally. mackenzie followed, grabbing her handbag and putting her hand on the door handle. "bye. love you." she was grinning widely.

johnnys smiled back at her, wondering how she was so perfect. "love you too, bye."

she stood in her driveway as he reversed his car into the street, honking his horn and mockingly blowing her a kiss when he was about to start driving.

she stood in her driveway and smiled to herself, touching her lips.

she was johnny orlandos girlfriend. and she was happy about it.


this chapter makes me soft,,, also
i hope this chap was a nice xmas present.

1, comment 3 things u recieved

2, tag 2 binches you think should read this book (because christmas is about giving and being nice n shit xo)

3, comment one thing that made you happy today!

if you do all 3 i'll give u a dedication in the next chapter 🥰💋😍😆😘

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