Chapter 33

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*Peter's P.O.V.*

Michelle and Y/N had gone to some coffee shop to have girl talk or something like that, at least that's what they told me, so me and Ned decided to go to my apartment to build the Lego Death Star. Even though we had done that many times, the fun of it never went away.

We're almost done building it when suddenly my phone starts ringing with Michelle's name on the screen, so I pick it up.

"Hey, what's-" I start saying, but she cuts me off.

"Peter! Oh my god, you need to come here right now! They- they have her. I don't know what to do. You and Ned need to get here now!" she says extremely quickly and I hear sirens in the background, making me nervous about what was going on.

"Michelle, you need to calm down, you're not making any sense." I say. "What is going on?" I hear her take a few deep breaths followed by sobs, and I know she's scared. This worries me even more since it's got to be something really bad for her to be so scared, since she always handled stressful situations calmly.

"We were in the coffee shop when some guys in uniforms came inside and started shooting at y/n. That's when she started using these weird purple magic to protect us." she says, but when she realizes what she said, she gets nervous again. "Holy shit, does she have superpowers or something?! Did you know about this?!"

"I'll explain everything later, right now I need you to tell me if you're hurt and where is y/n." I say, trying to sound as calm as possible. I look over at Ned who had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine, but they have her, Peter." she says as her voice breaks.

"What do you mean the have her?!" I ask, panic taking over me.

"Those people! I don't know who the hell they were, but after I got out of the shop and found a safe spot, she was already gone." she says.

"Okay, okay..." I mumble to myself trying to organize the thoughts rushing through my head and trying to keep the negative ones away. "Me and Ned are going over there now. I know what to do."


We finally get to the coffee shop and we find a big crowd of people surrounding it. We push through the crowd to try to find Michelle until we finally find her. She's sitting down with a distressed look on her face.

"Michelle!" I yell before me and Ned run towards her. When she sees us, relief covers her face. We pull her into a hug before I say: "Don't worry, I called Tony Stark, he'll know what to do." I say.

"Wait, what?!" she asks. "Tony Stark? As in the Iron Man Tony Stark?!" she asks again and I nod. "Why would you call him?"

"There are a few things you should know..." I say before looking at Ned. "You too." I say, referring to Ned.

"But I already know-" Ned starts saying but I cut him off.

"There's something else. It's about y/n." I say. Before I can keep on explaining, I see Mr. Stark and Happy approaching us.

"Hey kid, are you okay?" he asks, and as much as he tries to hide it, I can sense the fear and worry in his voice. I nod. "What about you two?"

"We're okay, but whoever those people were, they took y/n." Michelle says, getting nervous again.

"All of you, come with us."  Mr. Stark says, and we do as he says and get in the car with him and Happy.

"Peter, where are we going? What the hell is going on?" Michelle whispers as we get closer and closer to the tower.

I'll Be There (Peter Parker x Reader) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now