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Its only been a month since the war. Everything calm down except hallows that is. Ichigo sighed once again from destroying one a few minutes ago. He looked up at the sky and smiled a bit as he holds the few grocery bags in his hands carefully. He continue walking to his apartment a few blocks ahead of him as he remeber a certain blue haired espada I should say ex expada comming tonhim half dead and damage asking him to save and protect him. He helped the other and gaurded him from Rukia and the others as often as possible.

He sighed once again as he gets his key from his pocket and open up the door. Once inside he closed it behind him "Yo Grimm" he shouted as he rest the groceries on the ktchen counter. He heard a groan comming and a tall bluenette masucular guy came into view. "you called Ichi" he says sleeply. Ichigo smiled as he takes out the items he bought and put them away "yeah I did anyway I was wondering if you considered going to school and doing smething" he says plainly as grimmmjow looked at him as if he was high or something "you serious right?" "ofcourse I am grimmjow unlike you i can't always stay protecting your ass when ever im going to school and that can help you interact with other people than me". Grimmjow pouted and said "No im staying here and thats final"

Grimmjow and Ichigo walked to Karakura High school silently. Grimmjow had the most pissed look that can kill anyonewhile ichigo had on a smirk a devious smirk. "whats so funny kurosaki" he growled at the other. "oh nothing" he snickers quietly. Before he can answer Orihime Inoue runs to Ichigo and hugs him"Morning Ichigo" he looks down and blushes "oh morning Orihime" She releases him and smiles. she notices someone else and bows "Im sorry I didn't see you there uhh..." "the name is Shi Ku" Grimmjow said with a small smile to be polite. "Morning Shi" she smiles at him and walks with them. (Grimmjow is wearing a fake body so his appearance is he has the same blue eyes and the same body but his hair is long and white like shoulder length plus he uses the same voce but a bit deeper just picture that)

They all reached to school as Ichigo showed Grimmjow where his class are and where the cafeteria and other school places. Grimmjow got it and sat in his first class which was math. He tried to learn it but was difficult. He sighed as he looked out the window when he feel someone near him. He turn as a shocked expression was in his face "" was all he could say when he noticed they was alone. Ulquiorra lean on the desk next to grimmjow and smiled abit "Long time no see grimmjow how's it been" Grimmjow open is mouth but then closed it as he got up and hugged the other tightly "your alive dam man" Ulquiorra looked at him and hugged back" yeah I am so are you. you look well" Grimmjow removed himself from the other and grinned "Right back at ya"

Lunch came around and Grimmjow and Ulquiorra walked and talked like old friends (Ulquiorra looks the same but his hair got longer about passed the shoulders, he got a ear piercing: one to the bottom and one to the middle also he has on earrings that has a chain connecting the bottom earing to the middle, he grows a bit taller and sexier and his voice stays the same back to the story) they both laughed and smiles they heard a voice and they turn. A tall very tall lanky person with a white eyepatch on the right side of face with a wide grin and purple eyes walking to them "hey Nnoitra"


Hey Ruki here I don't own bleach or the characters I hope you enjoy my first chapter comment and like

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