"It's fine." I say really not wanting to go in. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"Well, to bad." He says now walking across the street not heistating, unlike me. After a while of standing alone on the street I quickly step onto the empty street. He slowly opens the door and peeks his head in. Suddenly a aroma of smoke hit me like a wall. Brett didn't seem to mind. He is use to it. He walks in quickly and heads straight for his bedroom. I walk closely behind him.

His house was dark and small. His house did have two bedrooms but they were both every small. On the floor there were hundreds of cigar butts, and alot of glass on the floor. I carefully step around them. No wonder he never wanted me to come into his house after the divorce. This place has changed so much. It use to be clean and nice looking. I use to be so jealous of his house... but now, not so much. Walking into Bretts room was like walking outside. It smelt normal and it was very clean. There was nothing on the floor just clean white carpet. I sat on a small single bed with a pale green bedspread. His walls were a egg shell white and his small dresser was oak wood. I look around and see something sticking out of his dresser. I get up and walk towards it and open the drawer. In it was a full loaf of bread and another half eaten one, jam, muffins, and cookies.

"Your father doesn't feed you does he." I ask, feeling very fortunate.

"Nope." Tears came into my eyes but I blinked them away.

"You know you could have always stayed at our house when ever you wanted." I stare at him, he is searching through another drawer.

"I knew that, I just didn't want to intrude." He says pulling out a small wrapped light pink package. He hands it to me.

"Thanks." I look up at him. He looks happy... how can he be happy in a place like this.

"Aren't you going to open it." He askes excitedly.

I nod and slowly unwrap the the pink paper. Underneath there was a light brown box. I take off the lid, and inside is a braclet. The band is a thin, black, elastic. The charm was a silver oval with 'Lillian' engraved on it. My mouth opened in amazment... it was beautiful.

"I made it myself." I look at him in amazment.

"You did!"

"Yeah." He smiles looking proud of himself.

"Wow, its amazing, I love it." I hug him.

"Well, lets get out of here, before my dad gets home." I agree and quickly get up form the bed and quickly walk out of the room, slipping my braclet on. Suddenly I hit something hard. I gasp as I look up to see Bretts father starring down at me. He smelled strongly of tabboco and wiskey.

"Well, well, well Brett what do we have here?" His deep voice boomed. I quickly back up.

"This is Lillian, do you remember her?" Brett says not sounding the least bit frightened.

"Of course I do I'm not stupid!" He yells. He was a thin black mustache and thin black hair. His eyes are a dark, dark brown. I look away from his eyes to see a petite women behind him, smoking a cigarette.

"Oh, Adam don't yell, lets just go to the bedroom." Her high pitched voice echoed through the house. She winks at him, grabs his tie and pulls him towards the bedroom.

"Wait one second..." He removed her hands roughly and pushed her away.

I can feel Brett back up. I look at him backing up against the wall. Adam pushes me out of the way hard. I hit my head against the wall. I grab my head quickly and fall to the ground. I open my eyes only to see Adams fist in the air right above Brett. Then it comes down on him, hard and fast right by his eye. I hear Brett moan and fall to the ground.

"Thats what you get for calling me stupid." He says and walks away with the slut who is giggling like crazy.

"Bye." She laughs. I look towrads Brett who lays motionless on the ground. I couldn't keep my eyes open. Then they shut and everything went dark.

I can feel my vision coming back to me. I fully open my eyes and I notice I'm still in the same hallway. I can hear noises coming from the bedroom, that I really don't want to discribe. I clench my teeth as there is a sudden pain in the back of my head. It soon stops and I took over to where Brett fell. I can see him slightly moving.

"Brett?" I whisper.

"Hmmm?" I hear him groan. I quickly get up ignoring on my hands and knees ignoring the pain and I crawl over to him.

"Can we please get out of here?" My voice cracks. He rolls over and I gasp. His right eye is black and blue. I put my hand over my mouth.

"Ok, lets get out of here." He moans as he tries to stand up.

"Your eye." I mutter. He lifts his hand to his face and touches his eyes.

"Its ok, its happens all the time."

"Its not ok!" I yell.

"Shhh. We don't want them to come out." He whispers.

He stands up and lends me a hand. He pulls me up and we quickly walk out of the smoke filled house. We go down the sidewalk in silence. We stop at the mailbox and put the letter in. There is only 10 more days until we leave for the Titanic.


SOrry it took so long to update

The Wreck of a Titan is a real book... kinda creepy lol its about of course the Titan and the Crew wants to make a record for traveling across the ocean it has 2000 people annd not enough lifeboats it hits a iceberg and 1500 people die... it was writen before the Titanic was even thought about... so its kinda creepy lol

Soo... plzzz plz plz vote comment and if u want to become my fan :) Read my other stories i ahev a new one coming out soon I Still Love You <3 also read 123honey456's books they r awesome!!!!

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