Chapter 9: Adult sized tantrum

Start from the beginning

"Find me someone who can relate to me. Find me someone who's been through it."


The compound was buzzing with activity as Spencer walked in. The place was always crawling with people, but she didn't mind, the private floors were still quiet and homely so she stayed in her room when she needed to be alone, and went to the public floors and watched everyone when she needed to be around people and the rest of the Avengers were gone. Today she sat in the Avengers common room, decomposing from the earlier appointment, book in hand, when Wanda rushed in.

"Hey, just came to tell you bye," she said, her thick accent filling the once quiet room. Spencer raised an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Nigeria, there's a lead on Rumlow. It'll be Cap, Natasha, Sam, and I." she said. After the whole Ultron situation and Spencer realized the twins didn't really know what they were doing she took the time to get to know them. The three of them became pretty close and she even introduced them to her other three friends.

"Oh, you leaving Pietro here? I'm sure he's excited." Spencer said.

"He'll get over it- I'm sure the two of you will find some trouble to get into while I'm gone."

"Of course we will, he has super speed and I'm a Stark. You're gonna miss out on all the fun."

"Well, save some trouble for me, yeah?" Wanda asked with a grin.

"We'll see," Spencer smirked.


That was probably the last time Spencer had seen the Avengers when they had all been happy with each other. Then everything went to hell. Wanda accidentally blew up a building. The Avengers were arguing about something called the accords. And now Steve's best friend from childhood turned out to be alive and an assassin who killed the freaking king of Wakanda. Just fantastic.

"Wanda?" the woman in question turned to see Spencer, "how are you doing?" the teen asked.

"Would be better if your father wasn't keeping me locked up," she said, irritated. Spencer nodded.

"If it helps, he's working on finding a way to fix everything so you can roam around in peace. Right now things are just... crazy," she replied. Wanda just rolled her eyes.

"Stark just likes control," she said. Spencer scoffed.

"You think this is about control? Wanda, he's trying to help you," she said softly.

"This isn't helping me!" the young adult shouted.

"What would you prefer? Even if he did let you leave, you wouldn't be able to go anywhere without being harassed and right now you're even in trouble with the law, which isn't fair, but that's why Dad is trying to fix things." Spencer scoffed.

"Ladies, please, no point in fighting." Pietro walked in.

"We're not fighting, we're talking," Spencer said. He shook his head.

"Either way, the crew is back from Romania after that whole mess, Stark is working on cleanup. He seems the only one trying to do anything, go easy on him, Wanda," he said. Spencer gave him a small smile while Wanda just shot her an apologetic smile.

"I know he's trying just... tell him to hurry up," she said. Spencer nodded.

"Will do... I'm going to go see if they need any help. I'll come by later." she said. The twins nodded and they waved. Now, time to face the insanity.


She looked around for her dad and found him in an office with glass walls, sitting with his head in his hands. She frowned and walked over. He looked up upon her entrance and tried to look less distraught, but he failed.

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