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Love Is not just something you find, you must be willing to let someone in. Sometimes that's hard, especially if you've been hurt before.

I wonder over and over when I'll find the right guy for me. I go to school every day and I look at the couples who have true, pure love and I know I'll never get that.

It was December 1st, It was 6th period when he showed up. He was gorgeous, I know it's weird for me to call a guy gorgeous, but I don't care he was.

He was tall, he had the most beautiful eyes and he looked as if he smelled great. He had deep brown hair that was long enough on one side to softly caress his nicely defined jawline.

Mr. Martin introduced him to the whole class. His name was Eric.... Eric DeMarco. Nothing special just a typical guy name. after Mr. Martin introduced Eric, he told him to come sit by me because it was the only empty seat.

He sat down and introduced himself privately. He reached out to shake my hand and whispered, "Hey I'm Eric". I shook his hand back and tried to introduce myself, but no words came out. My mouth widened but there was just silence.

He didn't react then; but kids in front of me whispered, "try not to drool all over yourself" I didn't know what to do. I just looked at him then, he laughed and released my hand.

Halfway through the class I worked up enough courage to talk to him, but just as the words were falling out Jennifer Gilmore walked up to him and cut me off mid-sentence.

Jennifer and I used to be the best of friends ever since she moved next door to me at the beginning of freshman year. We were best friends up until the beginning of this year when she slept with my boyfriend.

"hey handsome, Be my date to Tyler Andrews party tonight". He laughed and so easily said "okay"

I decided not to say anything, I sat in silence for the rest of the class. When the bell rang, I hurried to my locker and then to my next class.

I walked in not expecting to see Eric again until the next day. But to my surprise he was in this class too. When I walked in every girl in the class was staring and making googly eyes at him.

I really understand why they were doing it. I mean the guy was purely gorgeous. But what would be the point of me trying to get his attention, he'd never go for a girl like me; josh barely went for me. I was weird, quiet I had never been kissed and the only guy that ever kind of liked me also cheated on me.

The bell rang for class to begin and of course the teacher started off by introducing Eric to the class. He got sat one desk over from me. In the middle of class, he tapped me on my shoulder, I turned in a really defensive way. He jumped and raised his hands in a way of him protecting himself. "can I help you with something?" I asked with an eye brow raised. "yes, I didn't get your name last period"

I laughed "Oh, its Penelope, Penelope Jones."

"gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl". I couldn't help but smile and giggle a little, which I didn't want to happen. "Thank you" I finally said.

"Anytime gorgeous" He said. I smiled and giggled but I knew that what he was saying wasn't true. He seemed like the kind of guy who said those types of things to girls as a joke or to get a rise out of them.

The bell rang for school to be over and as I was walking to my car I saw Eric and Jennifer together. It's barely been one day and she's managed to get him wrapped around her finger already. It's funny how a perfect smile and a perfect body can get guys so mesmerized.

When I was pulling out of the parking lot I saw Jennifer kiss him. I wasn't surprised by her kissing him, I was surprised by him kissing her back. Later that night I ended up going to the party but only because my "friends" made me go.

The party was loud and so many of the wild teenagers were kissing and grinding on each other. After I had a couple drinks I had to pee bad, so I went to find a bathroom. It took me a while to find a bathroom, but I wasn't surprised because the house was massive; but what did surprise me was who I found in the bathroom...

I opened the door to find Jennifer all over Eric with her shirt off and his pants down.

She yelled "GET OUT YOU PERV!" I immediately shut the door and ran downstairs.

I told my friends it was time to call it a night and I went home.

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