24. "Remember Me..."

Depuis le début

"M-mom!" Finally stuttering out a reply I watched as her smile grew and she instantly spread her arms wide open. In a matter of seconds I stood up and tackled the women into a tight hug. My tears only falling more freely as I pressed my face into her neck. Her arms circling around my shoulders giving them a tight squeeze before a small beautiful laugh was leaving her.

"Hello my precious boy. My how you've grown. Ahh so handsome~ Just like your father." She cooed pinching my cheeks and giving them a rather painful tug causing me to whine a bit making her laugh once again. "I've been waiting for you." I heard her say and as I finally removed my face from her neck to look up at her again I smiled brightly even if my eyes were full of tears.

"You have? I'm sorry it took me so long then..." I whispered. If I had known I'd be reunited with my mother after forgiving my father I would have done it years ago.

"Oh that's okay,my little bundle~ I've been watching over you this whole time. So...are you going to tell me about your little boyfriend?" She grinned and my eyes went wide in surprise while my cheeks flushed a bit as my thoughts once again drifted off to Jisung.

"Mom! It's the first time we've talked or seen each other in years and that's what you say!?" I whined hiding my face in my hands before letting out a small sigh. "B-but he's amazing...the best thing that could ever happen to me. I don't want to leave him behind. " I whispered and she smiled understanding the situation. Feeling a hand on my head I smiled lightly as she caressed my hair much like she used to when I was a kid.

"What- I can't help it! I can tell how much you love him.." She started again and I looked to her again with sad eyes though my attention was suddenly broken as I heard my name being yelled.

"MINHO!" Snapping my head in the direction my smile grew the moment I saw Jisung running towards me and I instantly enveloped him into a hug the moment he was in my reach.


The women took a step back as she watched her son hugging the slightly shorter boy. A small smile forming on her lips at the site it warming her heart knowing that this boy could make her son so happy.

"Are you okay? Did anything happen?" Jisung questioned the ghost cupling his cheeks and looking over him closely noticing that his eyes seemed a bit red. Minho let out a faint chuckle and just pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead.

"I'm okay baby. Please don't worry and stay focused okay? " The ghost whispered and Jisung just nodded a few times leaning up to press a kiss to the older boy's lips before he was pulling away again.

Changbin,Seungmin,Woojin, Chan and Moonbyul finally catching up to the duo. Moonbyul smiled as she ruffled the ghost hair before looking to the boys.

"Alright boys, let's get to work. We don't have much time till midnight." Moonbyul smiled and the five instantly nodded before moving over with their shovels to start digging up the grave. At this moment Minho glanced back over to his mother with a confused tilt of his head.

"They can't see you?" He questioned and she smiled softly while looking over at the hard working group.

"No...Angel's can decided weather to be seen or not. I think it's best that they don't though I would love to actually meet your cute little Jisung. " She winked teasingly and the boy couldn't help but roll his eyes and let out a small laugh.

"This is one of the many reasons why I love you." He chuckled wiping his eyes a bit before he was turning to look at the group. They were moving pretty quick noticing how many of them their were and Minho once again glanced up at the clock. 11:50pm.

"You Can See Me?" // MINSUNG 《Completed》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant