Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

The Minister raised his glass and in a rare smile that was not a smirk, he wished the young couple his well wishes. Then, the food was served. In Regina's place, polite conversation rolled around her and proving herself more adept at this than Miss Parkinson ever was she moved smoothly in. After a delicious meal and desert, everyone retired from the table.

With the help of magic, the table was soon cleared and removed and a classical band was playing the opening waltz. Lucius led Narcissa in a dance across the floor and Draco led Regina across the floor. Regina flowed well into the dance with Draco, matching his style and grace toe to toe. She was truly the elegant Pureblood Queen at the side of her Pureblood King.

After the first dance was over, all the other couples joined in. Regina danced this one last dance with Draco, content in his arms. After the dance, the two bowed to each other. Then, Lucius approached and Regina was on his arm while Draco danced with his mother. After one dance Regina was passed on next to the Minister himself.

"You are a delight to watch, Miss Fawley," he said quietly as he led her across the room.

"You honor me, my Lord," was her simple reply.

"Oh," the Dark Lord replied, "I don't know if I honor you enough. It was difficult to allow the Malfoys the chance at you."

Regina smiled at her. "I don't understand, my Lord."

"I considered," he continued, "seeking your hand myself. But in the end I decided that I didn't have the time or patience for pureblooded courtship."

Regina blushed. She had considered that that might have been a possibility as well, although, she had known it would have made some of her plans more difficult.

"I am and will always remain your servant, my Lord," she said.

He grinned mischievously. "Oh, I understand, but I am not sure that I could do that to my right hand."

At this point the song was over and Regina was passed on to other family. She danced with Rodolphus Lestrange and then Rabastan. After a short respite, she was back in the arms of Draco.

As the night went on, she went for refreshment at the table, but was suddenly approached by two faces she feared might try something tonight – Madame Zabini and her son, Blaise.

"Why," Mrs. Zabini said, "You sure seem quite pleased with yourself, Miss Fawley."

Regina turned with a smile on her face – never allowing a potential enemy to see weakness or to think they had caught her unaware.

"It is a very exciting day for the Houses of Malfoy and Fawley, Madame," she replied smartly.

"Oh," Mrs. Zabini spoke a little more harshly. "I know your snake-like ways."

Regina's eye lid tipped up slightly at the humor in the unknown half-truth.

"I understand," Regina began speaking quietly trying not to make a scene, "That you feel there is a rivalry between your daughter and myself. But I have been nothing but a friend to your daughter."

Suddenly, Lady Zabini screamed, "You killed my daughter when she challenged you."

Regina's eyes narrowed at Mrs. Zabini. "I assure you, Lady Zabini," she said carefully and calmly, "That I did not kill your daughter."

"You BITCH!" she screamed as she reached out her wand to strike Regina, but she was suddenly restrained by a Petrificus Totalus.

"What is the meaning of this?" Draco said as he approached Regina. Regina took Draco's arm and moved herself into his embrace.

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