hey (y/n)

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To avoid any confusion, this is actually the short sequel of my first book entitled "accidental". It is highly recommended to read the first book before reading this in order to circumvent any forms of bamboozlement lol.. but it's also fine tho if you don't want to  :'3

 but it's also fine tho if you don't want to  :'3

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anyways, enjoy!


The late afternoon sun's eye-piercing rays decorated the hallways of the college university, no sound nor presence was visible around the building. Anyone watching the scene taking place in the campus would for sure get relaxed.

but it was the complete opposite for you...

The once peaceful hallway was now bombarded with some distracting tired pants and disgusting drops of clear sweat ruining the clean pearl tiles. You were trying so hard to catch up with the school's janitor before he could lock the classroom for your final subject of the day since you left your notebook in there. If you're asking what subject it is, the pressured author refuses to say it because her hands declines to type the name of the subject that she despise so much.

 You can't count the times you've screamed for the staff's name but he seemed to be really reeled in to whatever song it is that's currently playing on his earphone.

"Hey Sir! I-"

"Eh?" The middle aged man tilted his head towards your direction to face you, your expression now painted with complete relief.

"Oh good Lord, thank you! May I get my stuff inside first before you lock it?" You politely asked, your chest heaving up and down from the lack of breathing with the dreadful running session you just had.

The adult scratched the back of his head, clearing his throat afterwards as if he was stopping his self from saying a certain word that might bring your mood down.

"You see.. I'm the one assigned with the round cleaning and the one assigned with the locking of the rooms already went home with the keys since you know... he was done securing the classrooms around the campus."

'Ah shit'

Tired groans slipped past your lips one by one as you found yourself lurking around the school grounds, kind of enjoying the moonlight painting the dusty pavement of the yard. The place was really nice since it seems like you were the only person left, except for the lady guard that was on patrol in the front gate. You were supposed to buy fish food for George but decided to just take a little stroll around the campus first.

It's been a month since you found your precious fish from another dimension placed carefully on your bedside table; a month since Kusuo gave you a visit. Although you wished he's gave you time to even just take a glimpse at him, you still tried to bury your mind with your belief that he has a reason behind it.

"Hey! Anybody there? H-hey!" Your attention was grabbed by a voice that surprisingly came from the century old wishing well of the school.

'Please tell me I'm not crazy and there's an actual person inside that well' Others might found that statement disturbing but you'd rather see someone experiencing a little of pain than being called not mentally sane. Selfish, I know... but hey, that's life.

You found yourself taking steps closer towards the well. Shoving your hand inside your pocket, you then took out your phone and turned its flashlight on to check its inner deepest part and not to your surprise, you saw a boy trying so hard to keep his self from drowning. His face seemed to lit up upon seeing someone's presence above him.

"Ah finally! I hope you're not one of those people who just takes a video of someone in danger and post it online instead of actually helping them." Just by hearing the mouthful of words he just spatted, boredom immediately got the best of you as you rolled your eyes in irritation.

"You know... I actually wished that it was just a talking well." You shouted, enough for him to hear all your words. You heard a grunt from him as a response, his eyes clearly darting dagger glares at you.

"For someone who's desperate for help, you sure are full of sass." You added, snickers following after it.

"Can we skip to the saving part already? Someone's freezing to death here."

"I'm sure that someone can wait for at least five minutes right? I'm still not feeling the saving thing." You heard a set of grumbles with a side dish of rants after you released that joke of yours. You calmed him down by saying so while tossing the pail with a rope attached to it towards him, the other end of the rope still with you of course.

"Just hold on or sit on that pail or something. Be sure to not get your grip off it while I pull you up." He seemed to understand what you mean as he immediately sat on the pail and strongly gripped on the rope like what you instructed.

After a lot of minutes and veins popping out of your neck since he was actually kind of heavy, you successfully reeled him up, a soaked teenage brunette filling up your view.

"Good grief, I thought I was gonna die there." He huffed, squeezing the bottom of his shirt to reduce the dankness of it.

"How'd you end up here though? I've never seen you before. You're not from this school, aren't you?" He cleared his throat with your question, tugging his wet collar shirt to reduce the embarrassment he was currently feeling.

"I---yeah... I heard that this school has the cheapest snack vendo in town. And I kinda sneaked from the back fence to buy but then I saw this well and my attention got snatched by some shiny--- you already know where that's heading." You mentally gave yourself a face palm upon hearing his reasoning, now feeling the disbelief your parents feel whenever you do something immature, which is almost all the time.

"You're lucky I'm too tired to laugh at your misfortune." You mumbled but he still obviously heard it since the space between you two was not that wide. He just shrugged your comment before shifting all his attention towards you.

"Not trying to sound like a creep here but, name's Aki."

"You do sound a creep now that you've mentioned your name." You gave yourself a satisfied pat on the shoulder after laughing with your joke to which he just observed. He just rolled his eyes with your weird laughing and habit.

"How 'bout you? Got a name not weirder than your personality?" He grinned, trying so hard to hide the fact that he was shivering with a goofy smile painted on his face. 

"I do actually. It's (Y/N)."

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