Fudou akio x reader | just a dare

Start from the beginning

"Uh, I won't okay. Now shutup" fudou said crossing his hands.

"Oh the bells almost ringing, let's go" sakuma said and they all left to go to class.

- time skip to the end of school-

As (y/n) was frustrated on how will she finally move on from fudou akio, suddenly speaking of the devil the boy appeared suddenly making (y/n) flustered, and almost dropped her stuff.

As sakuma and Genda hid around the bushes trying to listen to see if fudou did the dare or not.

" (l/n) *last name* (y/n)" fudou said.

And it made (y/n) more flustered,
'How did he know my name?' She asked herself.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah" (y/n) said, trying not to stutter but she stuttered anyway.

"You see, I really like you and I don't know how to explain it cause you know, me" fudou said seriously hoping she would accept this 'confession'.

"So will you be my girlfriend? (Y/n)?" Fudou asked

"Y-yes I accept, I really like you too, fudou-kun"  (y/n) said and gave him a soft smile.

For some reason, fudou's chest hurt a bit, he didn't know what this feeling was but he shrugged it off.

- I'm sorry for another time skip-

As a month had passed, almost making it 2 months for the two couple to be dating, when (y/n) spread the news to her friends that she was dating fudou now, her friends didn't feel right nor accept him but slowly they accepted him, because they trusted fudou that he would take good care of their (y/n), and what they all didn't know was that, this was actually all a dare.

To be honest aswell, fudou also forgot it was all a dare, because he felt comfortable and he didn't notice, that he was actually gaining feelings for

A lot of things happened actually, he willingly did an effort to do a one month anniversary thing, and suprises (y/n) and made her happy.

For some reason seeing (y/n) happy made fudou happy aswell, he felt butterflies swooning over inside his stomachs but he shrugged that feeling aswell.

As it almost went to the end, 2 months and fudou will break up with (y/n).

As the trio, sakuma Genda and fudou Hung out near their lockers at lunch.
Genda suddenly reminded him.

"Hey, 2 months is almost up, aren't you going to break up with (y/n)" Genda asked.

"Uh, yes I am, I totally am going to break up with her " fudou said and sweat dropped.

"Don't tell me, you've finally fallen for her" sakuma teased.

"No, of course I won't fall for a stupid wierdo like her" fudou said.

But what he didn't know was that someone was actually listening to their conversation, it was his luck (y/n) was listening, why is she there you ask? She wanted to ask for her pencil he borrowed this morning.

"I-it's just a dare?" (Y/n) said suddenly appearing and making the three shocked to see her there,

"Oh, shite did we fudged up?" Genda whispered.

As fudou's heart started to beat rapidly, he was actually shocked to see her eaves dropping aswell.

"No (y/n) I can explai-" fudou said but he got cut off.

"So all those stuff we did, last month,w-was nothing to you?" (Y/n)'s eyes were already shaking, tears threatening to fall,

"(N/n) *nickname* hear me out-" as Fido's got cut off once again.

"No, don't call me that anymore fudou" as (y/n) said and she got out a keychain, it was intact a couple keychain, Fudou gave for their one month anniversary. And threw it at the ground and ran.

And fudou pained to see this, he wanted to chase after her but got held by sakuma.

"Get your hands off me!" Fudou said,

"No, it's for the best, fudou. It is just a dare after all" Sakuma said. Genda nodded. And Fudou just, at a loss of words as they went the other way, his heart aches badly, and the first thing he wanted was (y/n) back.

- time skip-
A few months later.

(Y/n) felt better and she was starting to move on, with the care of her friends she recovered from the break up well, and she made no contacts with fudou, her friends would try to get her away from him, every time he asked he wanted to talk to her.

Finally, she was back, going home alone, she felt better. But suddenly a hand crept up behind her and hugged her from behind, as she wanted to scream, a hand shut her mouth.

As she tried to loosen the grip, but it was too strong, so she tried to look at who was doing this,

"Shut up, (y/n), we need to go to a quiet place" Fusei said and dragged her to a quiet alleyway.

As she finally got let go she suddenly gets pinned to the wall, her heart beating rapidly, just by the look of it, and she was a blushing mess. And this shows that (y/n) can't move on.

"(Y/n), (n/n) please take me back" Fudou said and rested his head at (y/n)'s shoulder, as she felt her shoulder wet, she guessed he was crying.

"Why, why should I take you back. You're just gonna break me again" she said.

"I won't break you this time, it was stupid of me to even break up with you, please take me back. I finally know my feelings for you and i-I really like you (y/n), no I mean I love you" Fudou said as he suddenly got up properly and looked at (y/n)'s eyes,

(Y/n) never knew Fudou could be this sincere,

"I'll take you back, just one last time" (y/n) said.

As suddenly Fudou's eyes sparkled, as he finally roughly kissed her and licked her lips and teasingly bit her bottom lip asking for an entrance, and the day went on. With Fudou and (y/n) finally back together again.



Hakuryuu: woah, more than 1000 words, woaaah,

Nagumo: truly amazing, didn't know fudou could be sincere.

Fudou : I'm only sincere to (y/n), isn't hat right (y/n)? *pulls (y/n) to his chest*

(Y/n) : n-ne

The rest: *sweat drops*

Kira : mina thank you for reading hope you vote and comment! Or suggest some things!

All: see you in the next chapter!

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