"If I didn't know better, I might be inclined to think you did that deliberately." He huffed, as he looked up and caught her ogling.  But there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Her face flamed, turning her usually pale skin, dusky. "Don't flatter yourself, space boy."

"But you do find me 'hot' don't you, earth girl?"

"Oh, shut up!" She slammed the door in his smug face, and tried to forget about what she had just seen.

After taking a quick shower herself, she changed back into her clothes, wrapped her wet hair up in a towel, and shuffled back into the living room.
She was relieved to see Loki back in his black suit -- just minus the tie -- although the very dark place inside of her that harboured indecent thoughts, wished she had told him he needn't bother getting dressed on her account.

What was wrong with her?

He was sitting at the breakfast table in the kitchenette, munching on a croissant whilst reading the book on Norse Myths. The sparse shafts of morning sunlight filtering in through the skylight, reflected the freshly shampooed sheen of his hair, making it gleam like a raven's feathers.
She pulled out a chair and sat opposite him, noticing he'd already made her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks for the coffee. It's real sweet of you to save me a trip to the burns department. See, you have the potential to be a hero....you're keeping me safe from the hazards of the kettle."

He nodded slightly, still thoroughly absorbed in the book, his brow slightly furrowed in concentration. "Hm. What would you do without me?"

Curious, Darcy titled her head to look at the page, and was mildly amused to see he was glued to the chapter about himself. Then she noticed the artists' illustration and began to laugh. In fact she laughed so hard, she ended up having to wipe tears from her eyes.

"It isn't very flattering is it?" He griped. "Imagine how you would roar with laughter if it was a badly drawn picture of yourself."

"Dude, I actually would."

The drawing depicted him as a skinny, pointy-nosed, weasly looking man, with evil eyes, a thin moustache and horns on his head.

"Aaah, come on. It's not all that bad."

"It is worse than bad."

"I bet the one of Thor isn't much better." She noted helpfully.

"True, that one isn't accurate either, but it still isn't as hideous as this one." He shook his head disapprovingly, as he read the description. "They haven't even mentioned how I'm devilishly intelligent, and incredibly good-looking. I must find whoever wrote this, if they're still alive, and make them suffer."

Leaning on the table, she grinned at him over the rim of her coffee cup. "Perhaps you could find the artist too and force him to redraw you, to make you look less....pointy. And without the Dick Dastardly moustache."

His eyebrows raised. "Who's Dick Dastardly? Actually, it doesn't matter. Judging by your inane grinning, I'd rather not know."

She stuck her tongue out at him, enjoying his bemused reaction, as she reached across the table for a croissant, which he'd thoughtfully set out on a plate.

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now