Those kinda friends...

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I'm back and I'm ready to educate y'all once more on today's random topic.

+This message is brought to you by akara and bread+

So, exams are finally over *jumps around crazily* and, I was going over what exactly I should rant about since its been a while and the last chapter was shorter and more boring than my younger brother.

And that's when it hit me.

Well actually it was my friend that suggested the topic to me but um...... Look flying monkeys!

Wait, y'all are still here?

I guess I better continue with today's agenda.

And today, beautiful potatoes of wattpad, I am going to be talking about those kinda friends.

The ones that you were so close to but due to magic and your village witches, you barely speak to now.

And I honestly don't understand what the kerfluffle is exactly wrong with them. I mean, we were so close that even our grandparents knew each other but after getting into highschool, Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo! I don't know who the heck you are, you don't know who the heck I am.


If you are one of those people better repent because the time is near when I'm going to smack some sense into you.

Why would you even do that?

It's a different story if we didn't even vibe together in the first place, but when we were peanut butter and jelly's human reincarnations and we suddenly become oil and water that just shows that there must be a problem somewhere, and that problem is you.

Well guys, due to popular demand (and by popular demand I mean the 3 people that actually read this book), I'm having another storytime (y'all remember Tommy and Fiona *wink wink*)

So, it all started in 7th grade.

Once upon time in the not so magical kingdom of who cares,  there was a little potato named uh..... Let's call her Caitlin.

Now Caitlin had a best friend called Samantha and these two were the best friendiest best friends you would ever meet.

Now, Caitlin and Samantha were in different classes, but they still managed to maintain a rock solid relationship.

One day, one day, Caitlin met Sophie.

Caitlin introduced Sophie to Samantha and soon enough the three of them were best of potatoes.

They managed to keep their amazing friendship, that is until 8th grade happened.

Sophie and Samantha were in the same class and Caitlin was in a different class.

Samantha always made sure to include Caitlin so she wouldn't feel left out but Sophie, well, Sophie was being a.....

Sophie, Samantha and a few other girls in their class made a Lil girl squad.

Now ain't that just precious folks?

Long story short, Sophie wasn't who they thought she was (she lied about her age when talking to guys, cheated during the final exams, grades started dropping, blah blah blah) and Samantha and Caitlin remain best friends to this day while Sophie is now one of the popular girls *cue gasps*

So apparently, it wasn't until recently that I found out, Sophie contributed to breaking up the amazing friendship three of them had.

Samantha said "I would always ask her if she wanted to follow me to see Caitlin, but she would decline because 'there are too many nerds in Caitlin's class' "

Wow, how not shallow that statement is.

But at least there's a happy ending....

Not for Caitlin though, her best friend moved to another continent and now she's by herself in her hell of a school.

But for Sophie because she has popularity, her {new-ish} best friends, many guys falling for her, internal fulfilment and whatever else you think would satisfy a Regina George wannabe.


You know, I could actually get in a whole lot of trouble with my setmates is Sophie just happens to find this book and reads it but, oh well¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Caitlin and Sophie still talk occasionally, wave at each other when their eyes meet and whatever but, it's not like it was in 7th grade.

Did you enjoy today's storytime?

*storytime with Kayla is sponsored by Deli-shoos spices. The do it all spice for the best jollof rice*

That's basically it for today, thank you for spending like 3 minutes with me, here's a complimentary emoji 💁 and see you next week (or whenever I feel like updating).

This potato is out y'all.

*le consumer du donuts*

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