Sleepless In Seattle

Start from the beginning

"I'll probably just leave on Christmas morning I don't have to worry about too many people on the road that way." Harper says.

"Yeah, sounds good. I love you. Call me later." Skylar says.

"Love you. And hey. Thanks, Sky. Thank you for understanding." Harper says.

Skylar sighs. "Of course."

The second Skylar ends the call with Harper, she dials Declan's number. She has not spoken to him since her last night in Seattle even though they still text each other every once in awhile. The holiday season has been so busy, she has not really thought about reaching out to him, not even for updates on her best friend. This predicament however, definitely seems worthy of a telephone call.

The phone rings for longer that she would like but Declan does finally answer. "Hello there, stranger. It's been awhile, my friend." He says gleefully.

Skylar decides to skip the small talk. "Seriously, Declan. What the fuck is happening over there?" Skylar says loudly as she is trying to convey her frustration.

"Whoa. What the hell are you talking about?" Declan asks, clearly confused.

"Harper just called me and told me that Gillian kissed her?" Skylar asks still stunned by the story.

Declan chuckles. "Oh, yeah. It was great. We caught them under the mistletoe."

Skylar sighs. "No, Declan. Not great."

Declan frowns. "What? What do you mean?"

"Harper is super upset. She thinks that Gillian is trying to tell her that whatever happened was a huge mistake. Tell me, where would she get an idea like that?

"I don't know! Everything seemed fine to me. Harper left the party so early, it's not like I could talk to her about it or anything. And the last couple times I've seen her, she seemed perfectly fine to me." Declan says as he thinks back to the party and the last few days of work.

"UGH. Men are so dumb sometimes! How about Gillian? How does she seem?" Skylar asks.

Declan thinks about it for a second. Since the night of the Christmas party, he has noticed that Gillian has been keeping to herself a lot. She has been more quiet and seems to stay in the back office more. "I think that she's alright..." He trails off because even he has doubts about it now.

"Are you sure?" Skylar groans. "You know what? You're gonna have to fix this. I'm not there right now or I would fix it myself. So, you're going to have to do it."

"What is it that I have to fix, exactly?" Declan asks.

"Declan, Harper told me earlier that she is coming back to New York." Skylar says flatly.

Declan widens his eyes in shock. "What?"

"Yes. So, please, just fix it!" Skylar reiterates.

This time, Declan agrees without hesitation. "Alright, alright. Well, I'll see Gillian tomorrow afternoon. I'll talk to her then." Declan looks up and sees that people have just walked into the bar. "Hey, I have to tend to these people that just walked in. I'll text you with a progress report later."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later. I better hear from you soon." Skylar says before she ends the call and throws her phone off to the side. She lays down on her bed and lets out another frustrated groan. She really hopes that Declan can figure this out before it is too late and Harper is already on her road.


Gillian has not heard from Harper for nearly a week. It is not for the lack of trying though because she has called, she has sent text messages, and yet she has not received even one reply. After Harper does not show up the morning after the party, Gillian began replaying the events of the evening over and over in her head. Maybe she had misread everything. Or maybe she let Rebecca get her hopes too high and Harper was just not interested in her as more than just a friend. Either way, she thinks that she has really made a mess of everything.

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