When The Old Meets The New

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Harper sighs. "So, something happened last week that I probably need to tell you about first."

"Okay... That doesn't sound cryptic at all." Skylar says sarcastically.

And so Harper takes a deep breath and tells her best friend about everything. She starts with the part about Danielle and about how she came into the bar to see Gillian. She tells her about Declan's reaction and then how upset Gillian got that night because Declan lost his temper. Skylar is equally as surprised as she was when she learns that Gillian was once engaged to a woman and that Declan was once married.

Harper talks about how brave she thinks that Gillian is and how she handled everything in a way that is unlike anyone that she has ever met. She slyly leaves out the part about the sleepover they had just last night as well as when they slept together on the sofa in the bar earlier in the week, but she tells her about the furniture shopping and how Gillian helped her pick out almost all the furnishings that she has in the condo. When Harper is done, she notices that the other end of the line is silent. "Sky? Are you still there."

"Oh, yeah. I'm still here." Skylar says.

Harper notes the thoughtful tone in Skylar's voice. "Well? I mean, you haven't really said much. It's kinda scary."

Skylar takes a breath and lets it out slowly. "I guess I'm still trying to take it all in, that's all." There is a few more seconds of silence before she speaks up again. "So..."

"So?" Harper perks up when Skylar speaks again.

"You're in love... with Gillian?" Skylar ask hesitantly.

"No, I'm not in love with her. I just...I don't know. She's my boss. And anyway, she's out of my league. Right?" Harper asks Skylar hoping that she will get a truthful answer but continues to talk before Skylar can even answer her. "You should have seen that chick, Danielle. Gillian's ex? She is...wow...I mean, she is really something. I don't think that I'm really Gillian's type. She obviously--"

"Jace, seriously, stop babbling on for a second." Skylar interrupts her with a chuckle. "Back it up for just a moment. I think you're getting way ahead of me, and way ahead of yourself right now... Okay, so, you aren't in love with her--"

"I said that I don't know, Skylar!" Harper argues.

Skylar lets out a frustrated growl. "Harper, let me finish what I have to say, okay?" Harper nods to herself quietly and Skylar takes the silence as confirmation so she continues. "So, let me start again so you don't have a cow. You obviously like her, right? Can we at least put that out on the table?"

Harper thinks for a moment before answering apprehensively, "Yes. I like her."

"Alright, that's a start." Skylar chuckles. "And judging from your word vomit just a minute ago, you don't think that she shares the same sentiments. Am I getting warmer?"

"Yes..." Harper replies softly.

"Okay, so here's the thing. And Jace, I'm just gonna come out and say it. And don't you dare turn around and just brush off everything I'm saying. You have to hear me out, okay?"

"Okay, fine." Harper says, more irritated now than she is anxious.

"I don't know Gillian but she doesn't sound like she's a dumb woman. You know that I think you are a catch and I am sure that she sees that, too. But, the problem we have here is that she's probably not over her ex and until she is, she's not going to even think about dating anyone else. You said that all of this went down in March?" Skylar asks.

"Yes..." Harper says frowning.

"Well, that still seems like it wasn't very long ago. I'll bet that it's all still really fresh. It sounds like she may really just need a good friend right now." Skylar says as gently as possible.

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