To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

Start from the beginning

Gillian is surprised by Harper's invitation but earnestly considers it for a moment. "I suppose that I could do that. I'm not sure that I will actually be much help though."

"Well, I really just need someone to help me test out a mattress." When Harper says this, she notices that Gillian turns red in the face and she immediately corrects herself. "I mean, I'll need a second opinion. I'm terrible at picking these kinda things out."

Gillian chuckles nervously and is obviously embarrassed because she could still feel the heat in her face. "I'll do my best. So, do you want to just wait for me here or do I have time to run home to change into something that doesn't smell like food?"

"I actually want to run back to Declan's really quick and move my suitcases to the condo first. And then maybe I can just meet you at your place, pick you up, and we can leave from there?"

"Sure, that works. I'll just text you my address. I can probably be ready by three-ish."

Harper is delighted. "Great. I'm going to get out of here then. Just text me your address when you can and I'll see you in a bit." Then Harper pushes herself off of her seat and basically bounces out the door.

Declan, who has been observing the recent interactions between his two best lady friends, is suddenly very interested in what just transpired. He does not see it often, but lately there has been a strange tension between the two women and he wonders if he might be misinterpreting it as a possible spark. Obviously, Gillian has an affinity for the ladies, and he has not necessarily picked up anything from Harper that tells him that she leans either way. "Hmm. That's interesting." He thinks to himself but says aloud without meaning to.

"What's interesting?" Gillian questions.

"Oh..." Declan chuckles. "It's nothing. I was just thinking about something I have to do later this week." He lies. "But, I'm glad to see that you're spending your night off doing something that isn't just sitting in your apartment."

"I do go out and do things. I started that kickboxing class. And I joined a book club." Gillian argues.

"Right..." He just smiles at her.

"I'm fine, Declan. Stop treating me like I'm fragile." She says

"I never said that you were. I'm just glad that you're getting along with Harper and you're helping her out with this, that's all." He says.

"You're acting strange." Gillian says to him as she shakes her head and then heads into the back to finish up a few things so that she can leave. The last thing she hears is Declan laughing in reply to her comment.


"Hey Jace, I just got your message. This is great news! And I'm ready to pack my bags, just tell me when." Skylar says excitedly.

Harper laughs. "Well, give me a week or two, will ya? I have to at least somewhat furnish the place before you come stay."

"We could just get you another blow-up living room set like the one that we used for a whole month and a half when you first moved to New York." Skylar is laughing now just thinking about the bright blue sofa that took them nearly all afternoon to blow up because Harper forgot to buy the pump to go with it.

"Yeah, Sky, because that would be real classy. Seriously though, I'm actually going to buy a real bed for the first time in my life today. Can you believe that I'm in my thirties and I've never purchased a bed of my own?"

"Well, my friend, you're definitely a big kid now. Finally grown up. I'm so proud of you." Skylar says lightheartedly.

They are both instantly laughing again and Harper cannot believe how long it has been since she has seen her best friend. "I seriously miss you so much. And, I did take a look at the calendar earlier today and I'm wondering if you'd be able to break away from work in a couple of weeks so that you're here for the weekend of Halloween? We can check out the Seattle party scene together, maybe wreak some havoc?"

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