Marshall's Stolen Moments

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The light of the midday Sun was on me when I finally joined the land of the living. As I moved, I realized that there was a blanket from the bedroom laying over me, but no Cat in sight. I was equally happy and irritated. She'd taken care of me, which gave me a glow that felt a lot like one of those worm toy things from the 80s, but she'd left without saying goodbye, which aggravated me. As I got up, I realized that she'd removed my shoes, too. Alright, check that. Happiness was clearly winning out over irritation.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I moved into the kitchen. When I got there, I discovered a coffee pot that was filled and a note. Smiling as I pulled out a mug and deciding that I was not aggravated at all anymore, I read Cat's message.

You're adorable when you sleep. Thank you for dinner. -C

I took a drink of my coffee and nodded. If Cat didn't know yet that I wasn't running game, she would soon. It had been so damn long since I'd felt genuinely cared for that I was probably going to be over the top in my response, but she'd just have to get used to it. After the night we'd had, there wasn't a chance in Hell that I wasn't pursuing her.


Although I'd had grand plans to sweep her off her feet, I didn't see Cat again for another week. Unfortunately, production issues kept cropping up on the project I was helping Dre with, so I wasn't able to stalk her house they way I had before and it seemed like her training schedule was heating up, because her car was never in her drive when I was home. It made the back of my neck itch. I wanted to see her, but the universe wasn't having it.

When I did finally catch her, she was once more getting home from training. She looked tired, but happy. She had a bounce to her step that even physical exhaustion couldn't eradicate.

Without even a hello, I walked up to her and pushed her against her car while I bent my head. Our schedules were too fucking insane to do preliminaries. I'd been thinking about that beautiful mouth of hers for days and I couldn't wait any longer.

My palms cupped her cheeks as my lips met hers in a slow, determined kiss. I traced her lips with my tongue as my lips parted and captured hers one at a time. I felt her hands meet my waist as she kissed me back, her mouth parting slightly as she returned the caress.

She tasted of mint and her tongue was soft and smooth as it tangled with mine. The feel of her mouth was a relief and a prod all at once. My body welcomed the contrary emotions as I fell deep under her spell. I wanted more, but I could easily spend hours just tracing the tiny lines on her bottom lip. She was intoxicating. When I pulled back, I looked deep into her flickering eyes and smiled.

"I missed you," I admitted, knowing that I shouldn't but unable to keep the words inside. She squeezed me with her hands as she nodded, happiness shining from the purple depths of her eyes.

"Missed you, too." Cat responded. She started to say something, but then a light went off in her expression.

"Before I forget," she muttered, picking up her gym bag. She dug through it and pulled out two passes and handed them to me. "These will get you ringside and then into my locker room. I got two in case you had a buddy you thought might be interested in coming." She explained and I nodded, taking them and putting them in my back pocket.

"Do you have time to eat? To hang?" I asked. I knew her training was going to be heavy up to a few days before her match. I was hoping, though, that I'd be able to steal her away for a bit.

"I do," she said, her cheeky grin returning. "Beef wants me to take the evening off."

"I'm sorry. Did you just say Beef wants you to take the evening off?" I asked, controlling my laughter, but only barely. Cat nodded, smiling widely.

"Yeah. Let me get cleaned up and then I'll tell you how he ended up with that name." She offered.

"Alright. I'll order something and give you half an hour before I come over." I suggested and she nodded. She moved to step away, but then turned back with her head tilted as she spoke.

"You care if I do comfy clothes tonight?" I shook my head, pulling her by the wrist back to me and then digging my hands into her hair behind her ears.

"You're gorgeous, no matter what you wear." I said as I bent to suck on her lip. "Wear whatever the fuck you want."


The following two weeks passed in a blur of work and snatched moments with Cat. We'd managed to find time here and there, an oasis of touches and kisses that carried me through my days, making everything seem brighter and more real. I was falling hard for her and loving every damn moment of it. I could hardly fucking wait for her match to be over so that she'd get a break and we could spend more time with one another. I had some plans that I wanted to put into action.

"I still can't believe that hot neighbor of yours is a fighter," Dre said from beside me as I tuned into a photo op of Cat with her opponent, a woman named Jessica. I nodded, only half listening to him as I watched Cat line up for the posed shot of her facing off with the other woman.

Cat went into the meet in a good mood. I could see it in her steps, the way she carried her shoulders. She was cocky to the point of arrogance in the way she sized up the other fighter. Something changed, however, part way through the event.

I saw Jessica say something to Cat and her whole demeanor morphed. Gone was the confident, smart ass. Now, a raging gladiator was staring down her opposition as she responded to what was said. I couldn't read the words, but whatever it was, it sent the other fighter off the handle.

A scuffle broke out and security stepped in to separate the two women. Cat wasn't done taunting, though. She pointed at Jessica from where she'd been pulled back and said something else. Whatever it was, it caused a wild reaction.  Four guys had to physically haul Jessica off the stage while Cat watched, a dark smirk on her face.

"Holy fuck, man." Dre said. "That's not the sweetheart that handed over a plate of cookies to me. That woman is a fucking animal." He said, admiring. I nodded, staring as Cat shrugged off the security that had pulled her back.

"You want to come, now?" I asked, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. He looked back to the screen and then to me.

"Fuck, yeah, I do."

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